How To Knit Flies

How To Knit Flies
How To Knit Flies

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Anyone who is fond of fishing and understands the intricacies of this ancient art knows that fish cannot be caught without good bait. Today in fishing shops you can find a huge amount of the most different artificial bait, or flies. Fishermen call flies any artificially created bait depicting an insect or other living creature, imitating its shape, color, texture, and so on. There are wet and dry flies, which differ in the degree of streamlining and fluffiness. You can make your own fly for use in sport fishing.

How to knit flies
How to knit flies


Step 1

Use a tripod or a small vise, clamp and hook to make a front sight. Buy quality, lightweight hooks that are sharp enough for their purpose. You will also need silk threads of various colors, mostly natural - green, yellow, brown, brown, black, white, etc.

Step 2

For dry flies, you need feathers. It is best to take natural bird feathers - for example, if you need a narrow and stiff feather, you can take it from the back of an old rooster.

Step 3

When choosing feathers for flies, choose the narrowest feathers with parallel edges and loose bristles. To imitate the wings of insects, the flight feathers of waterfowl are suitable, from which bone plates are cut.

Step 4

In addition to feathers, you can use pieces of animal hair, horse hair, bear, badger and squirrel hair. In addition to wool, dry cork, polyethylene and foil can be used to simulate the body of a fly.

Step 5

Use a good transparent, waterproof glue to hold the pieces of fur and feathers together and simulate the body of a fly, as well as to secure and protect it. After drying, the glue should not interfere with the plasticity of the fly.

Step 6

You can practice making lures using a simple wingless fly as an example. Clamp a good, sharp, size 4-6 hook in a vise. From the beginning to the bend, wrap the hook with silk thread in two layers, as tight and tight as possible.

Step 7

Tie the free end of the thread and pull it back with a clamp. Tie a piece of rooster feather with a length of 3 to 5 cm with the bottom part to the ring of the hook. Wrap the feather around the base of the hook to create a bushy tail and secure.

Step 8

Press the remaining end of the feather to the hook and thread wrapped around it, leaving a small bristle ponytail outside. Varnish and glue the resulting fly, after cutting off too fluffy tails of feathers, if the fly should be wet, not dry.

Step 9

For dry flies, it is permissible to use pieces of cork wrapped with a feather along the entire length. To make a wet fly, use less fluffy and more streamlined materials, as well as animal hair, which simultaneously wraps the body and imitates the numerous legs of insects.