Choosing a name for a baby is a responsible step for every parent. In order for the name to be in harmony with the image of the child, it is advisable to call him after birth. It is also important to consider the meaning and distinctive features of the name you like.

The origin of the name Julia and character traits
Julia is a Greek name. Comes from lat. Iulia, "July", also "from the Julian clan." Among other girls-martyrs, the holy Martyr Julia was drowned after being tortured in the lake for Christ's faith. Her memory day is celebrated on May 31.
Julia's zodiac sign is Leo; planet - the sun; name color - white, beige, red, orange; her plants are grapes, sunflowers; the animal is a deer; talisman stone - amber, sapphire.
As a child, Julia is a very touchy and vulnerable child. He does not like to study, he does it out of necessity. Julia's character is quite contradictory. Her mood can instantly change during the day. Cheerfulness sometimes gives way to lethargy and unexpected resentment.
I am glad that Julia, despite her changeable character, has the ability to restore her good mood herself. Julia is emotional by nature, often carried away by something. She knows how to be friends, is sociable enough and does not like to be alone. Julia is sensitive and attentive to her interlocutor, she can willingly share her problems and experiences.
Julia's main drawback is a weak sense of responsibility. It is upsetting that she often blames anyone for her failures in life: not herself, but someone else. Julia is a sensitive person. She does not tolerate other people's hardships and suffering. The sight of blood scares her. Julia is not at all envious. He loves to read and reflect on what he has read. She tries to instill her passion for books in her husband and children. Julia never admits her wrongness and it is useless to argue with her on any occasion.
Julia's family life and the popularity of the name
Julia is attractive, always in great shape, does not forget to take care of herself. She's sexy enough. This woman is for tenderness, affection, love.
Julia, by virtue of her character, needs a strong, self-confident man. She dreams of a partner who can become a kind of guide between her and real life. Julia's chosen one will be generously rewarded with the fact that Julia is an excellent hostess and keeper of the hearth. In family life, Julia is happy.
Suitable for marriage: Vladislav, Vasily, Eugene, Cyril, Eduard.
Less suitable: Andrey, Anatoly, Nikolay, Fedor, Philip
This name has not so long taken root on Russian soil.
Celebrities named Julia: Julia Rutberg (actress), Julia Borisova (actress), Julia Savicheva (singer), Julia Chepalova (athlete), Julia Nachalova (singer) /
In Europe, due to its Latin origin, it was used quite often. Diminutive names: Julia, Lucy.