How To Choose A Guitar

How To Choose A Guitar
How To Choose A Guitar

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What does a guitarist do when he wants to get professional sound from his guitar? Of course, he has been studying for a long time, practicing techniques. Indeed, a good guitar sound is based on the playing technique of the guitarist. However, without a high-quality and professional instrument, it is either very difficult or impossible to achieve sound. Some musicians are engaged in the selection of equipment and the search for their own instrument all their lives.

How to choose a guitar
How to choose a guitar


Step 1

When choosing a guitar, you just need to listen to your inner voice and choose the guitar that is most suitable in color and shape, and only then start listening to it. The sequence should be just that (since you can hardly expect high-quality sound from a casually made guitar), that is, first we "fall in love" with the instrument, and only then we evaluate its data.

Step 2

In order not to choose a defective guitar, you must carefully examine it.

First of all, check the safety of the body (whether there are any cracks or damage to the wood). Also, there should be no non-glued joints or joints on which the varnish is cracked. Especially carefully inspect the junction of the neck with the body, the place where the stand is attached.

Step 3

Next, check if the neck of this instrument is straight. To do this, raise your guitar like a shotgun and trace your gaze along the side edge of the neck, this line from the beginning of the neck (at the resonator hole) to the saddle should be straight without any visible deviations. If there is even the slightest hint of neck curvature, ask me to show you another instrument, because a guitar with a curved neck is simply impossible to tune correctly. In addition, it lacks a truly pure tone.

Step 4

Then you need to check the distance between adjacent strings. Note that it should be exactly the same, without errors.

Step 5

Next, check by turning the tuning pegs (half a turn of the tuning pegs will be quite enough) whether the gears move smoothly in the tuning pegs, and only after that you can safely buy the guitar you like.
