The phrase "mental projection" is well known to psychics and clairvoyants. However, for ordinary people, there is no mystery in this concept, and almost every person can master the technique of such a projection.

Mental projection is the ability to project your mental image to any place or time. As a rule, the purpose of mental projection is the same: to obtain certain information without using the physical body. The mental is a space of subtle energy. Some believe that this is where the souls of people dwell.
Distinguish between partial and complete mental projection. In the first case, only a part of the image of the mental body is projected, and thus events, facts, and other information are viewed. In the second case, a copy of the whole body is projected, and information can be obtained by directly "visiting" the desired place.
Psychics and clairvoyants very often use both types of mental projection in order to find missing people, things, restore the events of past times, find the key to solving the problem.
Features of performing mental projection
At first, a person may think that the images being recreated are just a figment of the imagination. With practice, this wears off, the differences between true images and fantasies become more noticeable. As a rule, a third party is involved to verify the received data, who understands what is at stake.
Prior knowledge of the object under study can be distracting for the psychic. There are doubts about the reliability of the data obtained from the projection. It is important to relax as much as possible before the session. You can use the visualization technique by imagining a screen and placing an object of interest on it.
Approximately 70-80% of people can do mental projection on their own after a little training.
Interpreting information obtained during mental projection
Any psychic will say that the acquired knowledge on any issue is not as accurate as the knowledge perceived with the help of psychic abilities. This means that during mental projection, you can see something that is not at all expected.
For example, with the help of mental projection, the cause of a certain person's suicide is considered. It is not clear to those around him why he ended his life, since outwardly, for everyone, he was a harmonious and positive person. Projection, on the other hand, can show the truth on a completely different, deeper level. It is possible that the suicide was tormented by constant fears and did not give vent to his anger at all, which led him to a sad death. Mental projection reveals deep truths that may not match the available data.