How To Choose A Bouquet

How To Choose A Bouquet
How To Choose A Bouquet

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Guess the riddle: what gift is appropriate for any occasion - for a wedding, birthday, anniversary, official celebration, first date and first school bell? Of course, this is a bouquet of flowers. But how to choose the right bouquet? After all, you must admit that a bright bunch of asters is more likely to be a gift for the first teacher than for a 50-year-old hero of the day. Well, knowing a few rules, the task of choosing the right bouquet is easier to solve.

Flowers of golden shades are always appropriate
Flowers of golden shades are always appropriate


Step 1

Flowers by Occasion There are several unwritten rules regarding flower bouquets presented for any occasion. "Official" flowers - flowers for official ceremonies - carnations, feces, gladioli, roses, chrysanthemums and peonies. For brides, the best gift will be bouquets consisting of white or pale pink flowers: feces, gerberas, roses, tulips and others.

Step 2

Flowers by gender The gender and age of the person to whom the bouquet is intended matters. For example, it is best for young girls to give soft flowers, half-opened or not yet opened roses of white or pastel shades. Older women are presented with bright exotic orchids, lilies, roses. A little girl should be presented with wildflowers or flowers of bright colors on a shortened stem. For men, flowers are chosen on long stems with a single large peduncle (rose, carnation, peony, dahlias), which has a soft deep shade. By the way, the color of the bouquet also matters. For young girls, bouquets of delicate light shades are intended, for friends - lilac and blue, for lovers - scarlet, and a universal color - golden, beige, orange.

Step 3

Number of flowers in a bouquet As a rule, the number of flowers in a bouquet is odd. An exception is funeral flower arrangements and wreaths.
