How To Learn Not To Blink When The Camera Flashes

How To Learn Not To Blink When The Camera Flashes
How To Learn Not To Blink When The Camera Flashes

Eyes screwed up from the bright flash spoiled a lot of photos. If you love taking pictures, you can use a few simple tricks with the photographer to get the best shots.

How to learn not to blink when the camera flashes
How to learn not to blink when the camera flashes

Why do people blink when they flash

Blinking is a completely natural process. While the person blinks, it moisturizes the eyeball, and the upper eyelid protects the delicate retina from irritants such as dust, water and glare that can damage vision. Trying to force yourself not to blink by will is useless - this is a reflex that arose thousands of years ago and has successfully proven itself in the course of evolution. Go the other way - try to make the camera flash less irritating to the eyes.

Studio Shooting Method - Light Photo Studio

Coming out of a dark room into a bright light, people squint their eyes, as the bright sun blinds them. If, before finding themselves in the sun, these people stayed not in a dark room, but in a light room, this effect would not have happened. If you want the flash not to blind you - arrange shooting in a light photo studio. It would be nice to have a white backlit background behind the camera that you will look at while shooting. Multiple external light sources won't hurt either. A good alternative is to shoot outdoors on a clear day.

Shooting outdoors - look at the sun

If you are shooting outdoors, you will not be able to adjust the amount of light, but you still want to get great shots. In order for the flash to irritate the eyes as little as possible, choose a clear day for the photo shoot when there is enough light around, and the “flying bird” will not blind you. Also, before the photographer starts pressing the button, look at the sun for a few seconds. After such preparation, the flash from the camera will not be scary to you.

Subject photography - don't look into the lens

Consider whether you need to look directly into the lens while shooting. You can contemplate the sky with your head down, adjust an intricate decoration, read a book, enjoy flowers, or make eyes at someone invisible behind the scenes. As a last resort, look a little to the side of the photographer. In this case, the flash will not blind your eyes.

How not to blink the whole company

Shooting multiple people with flash is extremely difficult. Surely someone will close their eyes and then ask to reshoot the frame. To prevent this from happening, arrange with the photographer that he will count before taking the picture. On the count of “one” close your eyes together, and on the count of “three” open your eyes wide. At this moment, the photographer must take a frame in which all participants in the shooting will surely look at the world with wide open eyes.
