Leonid Yakubovich was married twice. The second wife was 18 years younger than the TV presenter. To this day, Leonid and Marina together and raise a common daughter.

Almost every spectator in our country knows Leonid Yakubovich. A few years ago, his program "Field of Miracles" was one of the most popular on Russian TV. But very little is still known about the personal life of the TV presenter. Leonid does not like to talk about himself and his chosen ones.
Leonid met his first wife Galina during his studies at the university. Today, the presenter tries not to remember the ex-spouse and in interviews usually talks only about the second darling. But it was Galina Antonova who gave birth to his son.
At the time of meeting the future spouses, the girl sang in the "Citizens" group, and Yakubovich actively played in KVN. The sympathy between the two creative young people arose almost immediately. Leonid began to look after a slender, pretty girl - he gave flowers, accompanied her home, helped bring heavy things to the rehearsal. Galina quickly reciprocated.
Already in the fifth year, the lovers got married. The wedding celebration turned out to be lush, noisy and cheerful. It is interesting that Gennady Khazanov agreed to be its host, and he created the mood of the holiday. During this period, these two cheerful, creative men were close friends.
Later, Yakubovich admitted: early love and family turned out to be a difficult test for him, who dreamed of a successful career. The young man had to earn extra money at night in order to adequately support his family.
It became even more difficult when the couple had a son. A huge burden of responsibility immediately fell on the shoulders of the young husband and wife. This feeling, as well as the lack of money and the constant feeling of fatigue, led to frequent conflicts. In addition, Yakubovich turned out to be a great lover of women. He gladly started new novels, but hid them badly. Galina forgave Leonid's betrayals and tried to be an ideal wife. She was ready to do everything to keep the family together.

As a result, Yakubovich himself filed for divorce. He realized that there were no feelings for his wife and just met a new love. Antonova was shocked when she learned about her husband's departure. The girl fell into depression and could not recover for a very long time. Despite all the difficulties, she managed to single-handedly raise a worthy son. Artem successfully graduated from the institute and followed in his father's footsteps. Today the man works in television.
Fellow traveler
In the life of Leonid Arkadievich there was another love. True, platonic. When the future TV presenter was moonlighting as a conductor on a train, on one of the flights he met the incredible beauty Raisa. The girl immediately conquered Yakubovich.
True, the beauty traveled with a strict mother, who instantly cut off the communication of young people. Leonid secretly handed Raisa his postal address, but never got a letter from her. Later he went in search of a young lady that he liked and came to her city with a huge bouquet of flowers. But Raisa's mother intervened again. She drove the persistent boyfriend out of the house and asked not to appear again. Leonid later regretted more than once that he could not reach the beauty and draw her attention to himself.
Real happiness
Leonid Arkadievich met his second wife Marina Vido at work. The girl was an employee of the VID TV company and often crossed paths with Yakubovich on professional issues. A strong sympathy quickly developed between Marina and Leonid. Even Yakubovich's marriage and the big age difference did not prevent the beginning of the novel (Vido is 18 years younger). For the sake of a new lover, the TV presenter broke off an almost 20-year relationship with his first wife.

Despite strong feelings, Leonid and Marina were in no hurry to move out, let alone get married. The lovers were just dating. Each of them highly valued his freedom and does not want to change anything. But that all changed when Vido reported the accidental pregnancy. Yakubovich was happy and soon made a proposal to his beloved. The common daughter of the spouses Varvara was born.

To this day, Leonid and Marina are together. True, the couple still lives in different places. Both spouses are completely satisfied with the guest marriage. Yakubovich built a large cozy house for his beloved girls, and he himself settled in an apartment in the center of the capital. The TV presenter visits his family once a week. Yakubovich and Vido are sure that it is the rare meetings that allow them to save the marriage and not get bored with each other.