Ekaterina Gordon was married to the famous TV presenter Alexander Gordon and the controversial lawyer Sergei Zhorin. She married Zhorin twice, but still this union broke up. Catherine subsequently found her happiness in the face of a large businessman, but has not yet received a marriage proposal.

Married to Alexander Gordon
Ekaterina Podlipchuk was born into an intelligent Moscow family. Her mother taught at Moscow State University. Since childhood, the girl was a very versatile personality, was fond of psychology, wrote poetry, stories. While studying at school, she tried her hand at being a stage director for puppet shows.
Ekaterina graduated from one of the best universities in the capital with a degree in psychology, but then realized that she did not want to work in her specialty. She entered the Higher Directing Courses, where she studied with Peter Todorovsky himself. In his workshop, Catherine was one of the brightest students. The girl never liked her last name. She did not sound very euphonious and was often teased as a child. Katya wanted to change her surname since her school days. When she turned 20, she met Alexander Gordon. At that time, he was already a famous TV presenter. Catherine and Alexander dined at the same restaurant and she invited him to read her poems, to which Gordon replied that he was already familiar with her work. The relationship developed rapidly, and a few months later the wedding took place. They have been married for 6 years and Catherine considers this union a successful one. Alexander gave her a lot, helped develop her creative abilities and was her teacher. From him she got the famous sonorous surname.

Marriage with Sergei Zhorin
Ekaterina Gordon has always been distinguished by a scandalous character. She allowed herself loud enough statements that offend the honor and dignity of people. After one such incident, the producer of the Ranetki group filed a lawsuit. Catherine's lawyer was Sergei Zhorin, with whom they got married a few months after the end of the trial.

The marriage with Sergei Zhorin went wrong from the very beginning. Ekaterina was hospitalized with multiple injuries and said that her husband had beaten her. Zhorin did not deny anything and even recorded a video with a sincere confession. The divorce took place in 2012. A year later, Catherine gave birth to a son, Daniel. She does not like to talk about the child's father. Journalists attributed paternity first to Sergei Zhorin, and then to Mita Fomin, with whom the journalist and TV presenter had very warm relations at that time. But later, Catherine denied information about Fomin's involvement in the birth of her child.
Despite the beating, Gordon returned to her husband in 2013, but a few months later there was another scandal in the family and a final divorce took place. Catherine said that Sergei not only beat her, but also cheated on her. She cited as an example a story when she accidentally saw a photo of Anna Sedakova in her bedroom on social networks.
Life after divorce and the birth of a second son
In 2016, it became known that Katya Gordon gave birth to her second son. The boy was named Seraphim. Catherine admits that the child's father insisted on this name, and she wanted to name the baby differently. The delivery was very difficult and Gordon lost a lot of blood and experienced clinical death. But all the difficulties were left behind and did not prevent you from enjoying the joys of motherhood.

Katya Gordon and her son were taken from the hospital by her lover. Subsequently, Ekaterina took part in the "Secret for a Million" program and announced that she was having a new affair with a man named Yegor. She admitted that the chosen one loved her very much and offered to marry him. Gordon dreams of a real wedding, a beautiful dress, because all the previous times she got married in jeans and sneakers.
Despite Catherine's attempts to hide the details of her personal life from everyone, it became known that her new man was not the mysterious Yegor, but a large businessman Igor Matsanyuk. He was in the car business, but then he got carried away with the creation of computer games. This brought him a good income. According to some experts, Matsanyuk is one of the hundred richest people in Russia.
Despite the statements about the imminent wedding, the event has not yet taken place and there are reasons for this. Igor was married to Alisa Chumachenko and the divorce took place 2 years after the birth of Katya's child. Alisa is not only the ex-wife of a businessman, but also his business partner, the owner of a large stake in Matsanyuk's company.
Many critics accused the TV presenter of a selfish motive. They believed that Gordon gave birth to a child to a large businessman out of mercantile interests. But Catherine herself makes good money, tries herself in various directions. She founded Gordon & Sons Law Firm, recorded several songs and received prestigious awards for this. In 2018, she even wanted to run for president, but later abandoned the idea.