If you have purchased tickets to the circus, and cannot attend the performance for some reason, you have the opportunity, according to the law, to return the tickets to the ticket office. However, it is important in this case to know how you can defend your rights.

Step 1
Contact the circus ticket office at least 24 hours before the start of the show. You must have a ticket and passport with you. It is also advisable to have the receipt received at the time of purchase. Tell the cashier that you want to return the ticket and get your money back. You must get it back in full. If you do not want to return the money or they offer to give only a part of it, write a statement addressed to the management indicating your requirements, or ask the cashier itself to be allowed to the administrator. Give the application to one of the circus officials in charge, and then ask for a copy marked with the organization.
Step 2
If your application has not worked, send your request by registered mail. At the same time, you can contact the department for consumer protection, and also write a complaint to the municipal government body dealing with cultural issues. You also have the right to sue the circus administration. But keep in mind that the proceedings in such a case can be long and costly, so such an appeal does not make sense when it comes to one or two tickets.
Step 3
As a compromise, you may be offered tickets for a different date or a different performance. It is easier to get them than to return the money, so you can make a decision on this matter yourself.
Step 4
When replacing or canceling a show, ask for a refund even if it is already time for the show. You have the right to do so under Russian law.