Morgan Freeman is one of the most respected American actors who have made major contributions to the art of cinema. In his circle, Morgan Freeman is known for always putting in the first place what impact the film can have on people, what it can teach and how a future role will help in this. And to a much lesser extent Morgan Freeman is interested in the amount of the fee.

Who would have thought that the famous actor is already over 80. Nevertheless, it is so. Morgan Freeman was born back in 1937, June 1. Earlier he spent his childhood in his hometown of Memphis. The family was not that poor, but given that my mother worked as a cleaner and my father had a completely unprofitable hairdresser, they could barely make ends meet. This financial situation led to the fact that the whole family was forced to constantly change their place of residence in search of better opportunities. So the boy ended up in Chicago, where he first played in a school play. It was enough to love the stage. And the game became his dream. But the way to her lay through graduation from high school, and after it compulsory service in the army, the US Air Force. We can say that it was in the army that Morgan Freeman acquired a strong character.

Carier start
After serving, the young ambitious Morgan Freeman went to Los Angeles. Here he enrolled in acting classes, studied with pleasure, and in his spare time worked as an employee in a college.
Hard work and a serious attitude towards his studies paid off - he got a role in a small Broadway production. And he was still noticed.
The young actor got his first movie role in Morgan in a popular TV series called "Electric Company". Then he played in some film. But he did not wake up famous. Moreover, for the next 9 years he was not invited anywhere at all. The actor himself thought that this was due to his age, too young, there are no suitable roles.
Perhaps there was some truth in his thoughts. Because it wasn't until he turned 43 that he played a wise grown man in Brubaker. Thus, when it is precisely wisdom and intelligence that adds age and the corresponding charm. What is most interesting is that both viewers and directors began to perceive him this way. Since then, Morgan Freeman has played just such characters.

Professional activity
Since 1980 and over the next 7 years, the actor starred in 5 films. The latest Street Boy movie made Morgan Freeman a big hit in Hollywood. The actor was nominated for an Oscar and immediately for a Golden Globe. He did not receive an award, but that was enough to make him very popular. Eminent directors began to invite him. And in 1989, the Golden Globe still became his award for his participation in the film Chauffeur Miss Daisy. And "The Unforgiven", where Morgan Freeman played the main role, won an Oscar for Best Film of the Year.
"Oscar" several times "approached" the now famous actor, such as for the role in the film "The Shawshank Redemption" in 1994. But the film "Million Dollar Baby" by Clint Eastwood in 2004 still brought the long-awaited "Oscar".
In total, Morgan Freeman has a little over 100 roles. We can definitely say that in the second half of his life he was much more fortunate. And, indeed, is it easy to forget: "Bruce Almighty", where the actor played God, "Evan Almighty", here he is the same God who tries the right things before people, and "The Shawshank Redemption", "Lucky Number Slevin", " The Dark Knight "," Batman: The Beginning "," Red "," The Fall of Olympus "," The Illusion of Deception "and others. By the way, that narrator in "War of the Worlds" is also him.
The actor played the role of God several times, and in his life he was the host of the documentary series "Stories of God".
In feature films over the past decades, Morgan Freeman has played in partnership with many celebrities: Jack Nicholson, Angelina Jolie, Tom Cruise, Jim Carrey, Woody Harrelson, Diane Keaton, Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro. The list goes on and on. It is also interesting that when Morgan Freeman's film partners talk about their work or roles, they also express their appreciation for working together with such an amazing person and actor. Truth in personal life Morgan Freeman behaves differently.

Personal life
The actor does not like to talk about his family, wife, children. By the way, Morgan Freeman was married 4 times, and all the wives left him. It is suspected that this is due to the actor's passion for the female sex. But he was never seen with someone in the company. The actor is a father with many children, he has four of them, one of the girls, Dina, the wife's daughter from her first marriage. But Freeman adopted her and with all the children in excellent relations, communicates with everyone.

Against the background of the latest events in Hollywood, Morgan Freeman also became "the face of sex scandals." 8 women accused him of harassment on set. However, other actors spoke up in defense of the actor, who also participated in the filming of the announced tapes, and everyone talked about the actor's correct behavior and good-natured communication with others. So we can say that these charges have not been confirmed. But his mood was spoiled. He even demanded an apology.