If, looking at the fabric along the entire length and width, from the front and back, you cannot find any blemishes, this is the highest grade fabric. Defects in the fabric include spots and irregularities in the weave of threads, as well as gaps.

Step 1
The classification system is used to divide vices into local and common. Local defects are called small areas with unpainted fabric or blurry paint of a different color, with tears or accumulation of threads, with broken threads. Common vices are those that are located on the entire piece or on a significant part of it. These include striping, different shades, tissue debris.
Step 2
Both local and common fabric defects can appear at any stage of weaving or dyeing. They can appear even during spinning, if the raw materials are of poor quality or all working conditions are not met. The defects of fabrics that occur during spinning and weaving are of different types.
Step 3
Twins appear as a result of the breakage of one or more warp threads on the loom; these are gaps in the fabric that look very sloppy. Spans are the absence of weft threads, one or more, across the entire width of the fabric or in a small area. As a result of the flight on the fabric, a sparse transverse strip is obtained, the strength of the fabric is greatly reduced.
Step 4
Couples, or double - this is the name for a place that stands out sharply on the fabric, where instead of one thread of a weft or warp, two or even more are woven. Fluffy stripes on fabric, which have different origins, are called uneven opal. The same defects include burnout - a dark brown tint on the fabric after processing.
Step 5
If light yellow or orange streaks or spots appear on the fabric, it most likely means that it was in contact with rusty metal objects when wet. If the dyeing regime has been violated, dark or light stripes and spots may appear on the fabric. The same defects occur when the fabric is poorly prepared for bleaching.
Step 6
When cleaning combed fabrics, when plucking scraps of fluff, knots, thickened threads, weft rallies, rarefied gaps or pinches may occur. If the pile machine malfunctions or if the fabric is incorrectly fed into it, there may be a lack of lint in some areas or over the entire surface.
Step 7
If the fabric before drying was unevenly or poorly wrung out, a leak forms - a change in shade on the painted surface. Incomplete dissolution of the dye or its precipitation cause specks - small specks on the entire surface of the fabric. If a foreign object, such as threads, fluff, sand, falls on a part of the dyeing machine, a click is formed, which is a painted area that divides an unpainted white stripe.