The constellations of the signs of the zodiac are understood as twelve thirty-degree sections of the celestial sphere, which divide it in latitude. These sites are called "houses". Each house consists of three segments, each of which is influenced by a particular planet.

Step 1
Among the three planets corresponding to three decades, one is the leading one, its influence leaves an imprint on the character of the bearer of the zodiac sign, regardless of the date of birth.
Step 2
The constellation Aries consists of 20 stars, the planet Mars rules this zodiac sign. She endows the representatives of the sign with a strong will and a thirst for struggle.
Step 3
The constellation Taurus includes 53 stars and is ruled by Venus. Venus directs Taurus to create beauty, and also makes procreation one of the priorities. Taurus are usually very successful financially and are also great parents.
Step 4
The constellation Gemini consists of 33 stars, this house is ruled by Mercury. He endows Gemini with inconstancy, love of travel and communication with different people. Thanks to him, the representatives of the sign are distinguished by their extraordinary ingenuity.
Step 5
In the constellation Cancer, there are 41 stars, the Moon leads them. The moon gives Cancers sensuality and softness, endows with excellent intuition and insight. Cancers are good psychologists. On the other hand, the Moon makes Cancer fearful and withdrawn. He is also characterized by painful vulnerability.
Step 6
The constellation Leo includes 44 stars and is ruled by Saturn. Saturn makes Leo restrained and cold, very judicious.
Step 7
The constellation Virgo has 50 stars in its composition, Mercury reigns here. Under the influence of Mercury, Virgos receive outstanding analytical and organizational skills.
Step 8
Libra has 17 stars in the constellation, led by Venus. She influences her negative pole, because Libra is a very sensual and insightful sign.
Step 9
The constellation Scorpio consists of 36 stars and is ruled by Mars. He makes Scorpio adventurous, fearless and strong. This is a very active sign.
Step 10
There are 32 stars in the constellation Sagittarius, it is ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter is considered the planet of fun and prosperity. He endows Sagittarius with high intelligence and a love of adventure.
Step 11
Capricorn has 35 stars in the constellation, the ruling planet is Saturn. He makes Capricorn responsible, because these people always achieve what they want through excellent self-organization.
Step 12
The constellation Aquarius has 86 stars, this is the most voluminous zodiacal constellation. The house of Aquarius is ruled by Saturn. Saturn makes Aquarius a decent person with a strong craving for new knowledge.
Step 13
Pisces has 66 stars in the constellation, Jupiter is in command of this house. He endows Pisces with wisdom and highly developed consciousness. Pisces are called to help people.