Gemini Horoscope For

Gemini Horoscope For
Gemini Horoscope For

In 2018, the Yellow Earth Dog will enter into its rights according to the Eastern calendar. Consider what the Dog will bring to such a zodiac sign as Gemini in 2018.

Gemini horoscope for 2018
Gemini horoscope for 2018

In the year of a reasonable and extremely cautious Dog, Gemini must try to remain calm. All your crazy ideas should be checked and rechecked, otherwise there is a possibility of suffering from rash actions.

However, the Dog prepared a pleasant surprise for Gemini in 2018: one or two especially workable ideas of this zodiac sign will find their followers or even capital for implementation.

Gemini will be able to become the ancestor of something new and promising for other people. In addition, those born under the sign of Gemini will be able to take full advantage of the fruits of their labors in previous years, as well as see new things in already established relationships.

Career and finance

The horoscope for 2018 for Gemini promises to give a certain faith in stability. The main thing for Gemini this year is to abandon high expectations and accept the gifts of the Dog with gratitude.

If the Gemini is planning a big business, then it must have a good basis, otherwise the Yellow Dog will turn away. Change and a flurry of emotions are not for her.

Also, the Dog does not like any kind of stress, so you should try not to change your place of residence or work, car or life partner. You need to play it safe and save money for future endeavors - the Dog will definitely help with this.

Love and friendship

All Gemini's long-term unions this year will become even stronger and will receive nourishment for further development. Representatives of this sign will find the strength to strengthen loose partnerships, and thanks to their natural versatility and attractiveness, they will be able to charm even more people.

The Year of the Dog encourages Gemini to travel with friends and children on vacation, as well as to get married.


The horoscope for 2018 recommends Gemini to remember their previous sports achievements and outline new sports goals.

Of course, it will not be possible to achieve them right away due to the Dog's dislike of stress, but if the Gemini thoroughly engage in their physical fitness, then by next year they will have the opportunity to fully express themselves.

The weak points of Gemini - the head and hands - will not make themselves felt until November 2018, and only those diseases that directly depend on stress will manifest themselves vividly.

You need to get more rest and do aerobic sports, then the year will pass safely for the health of Gemini.
