How To Fly A Quadcopter

How To Fly A Quadcopter
How To Fly A Quadcopter

The quadcopter can be controlled using a remote control or a smartphone. Thanks to them, the device rises up, rotates around its axis, makes tilts. There are rules for safely flying the drone.

How to fly a quadcopter?
How to fly a quadcopter?

There are a variety of quadcopter controllers available, but they all work in the same way: each has at least two control levers. Each of them is responsible for the orientation of the device in the air.

Remote control

When you press the left joystick up, the quadcopter will begin to rise in height, and down - to descend. When pressed to the right and left, its rotation around the axis is adjusted.

The right stick controls pitch and roll. If you point it down, the nose of the drone will go down, when you press it up, it will start to rise. When adjusted in different directions, the device will tilt in the appropriate direction.

More expensive models can be controlled using a dedicated smartphone app. All functions are exactly the same as when working with the control panel. The only thing that is required for the device to work properly is to connect your phone and quadrocopter via WiFi. The drone broadcasts a live image that enters the camera.

Why are modes needed?

Each flying device has several flight modes:

  • manual;
  • stable;
  • GPS navigation.

Manual mode is the most difficult. Usually it is used by people who have already learned how to fly a quadcopter. The person takes control. This is an opportunity to improve piloting skills and learn how to perform various tricks.

With stable flight, video recording can be made without any problems. When this mode is selected, the accelerometer starts to work. It allows you to stably hold the device in the air. Well suited for beginners.

With GPS navigation, you can set the route that the drone will fly. This allows, for example, filming without the need to monitor every step of the device.

How to learn to fly a quadcopter?

If you are just learning how to operate, do not immediately lift the device to a great height. Learn from simple maneuvers. First you need to try to take off, move it away from you by a few meters. It is best to do this outdoors, away from bushes and trees in calm weather.

Experienced users are advised to start learning to fly the drone on non-paved surfaces. If he falls, he will not receive severe damage to the case. It is not recommended to direct the device towards rivers.

In conclusion, make sure the battery is fully charged before starting your workout. It is forbidden to launch flying devices if the charge is less than half. In this case, there is a risk that when you climb to a high altitude, the device will be completely discharged while still in the air.
