Some smokers ask themselves, "How do you sniff snuff?" Most likely, many of them try to quit smoking in this way. And some just like to sniff tobacco and sneeze. So what is snuff? These are processed, dried and powdered tobacco leaves. This type of tobacco is classified as smokeless. People still argue about the harmlessness of snuff. One thing is for sure - he does not harm others.

Step 1
The issue of nicotine addiction is more complicated. It is not so easy to calculate the amount of nicotine entering the body from a snuff of tobacco. But nicotine acts on the smoker's body in the same way, regardless of how it got there. So quitting smoking by switching from cigarettes to snuff will be problematic.
Step 2
But nevertheless, let's move on to the question of how to sniff snuff properly. There are a number of techniques for its use, denoting only personal convenience, as well as the preferences of the smoker. There was no significant difference in the final effect.
Step 3
Take a pinch of the powder, shape it into something that looks like a ball. Place a ball of tobacco dust in each nostril. Now inhale the air with your nose, take a handkerchief in your hand and wait for the effect. After inhaling the tobacco, a whole series of impressive sneezes will follow. After a person has calmed down, he will experience a state of mild euphoria. This means that the body has received its portion of nicotine. By the way, this method was once used by the aristocratic elite of society.
Step 4
Place a portion of your snuff on a hard surface. Use a glass, plastic, or other suitable straw to sniff the tobacco dust.
Step 5
And the third way. It has been used often since the days of Columbus. The captains of the sailing ships of that time, who did not smoke pipe, liked to sniff tobacco that way. Place a small pinch of snuff into the indentation between your index finger and thumb, on the back of your hand. Draw in the powder on one nostril, then repeat on the other. It requires a certain skill, so you may not succeed right away.