How To Grow Ficus

How To Grow Ficus
How To Grow Ficus

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Ficus is a plant of the mulberry family, which has long been familiar to owners of home flower gardens. At home, you can grow up to ten types of various ficuses, all of them are quite unpretentious in care and are very beautiful. This plant has a tree-like trunk and strong, fleshy leaves, and can grow a huge tree to the ceiling or a bonsai-style dwarf tree.

How to grow ficus
How to grow ficus


Step 1

Under natural conditions, ficuses are tall trees, they grow quickly. Therefore, when growing them at home, you need to choose the size of the pot correctly: the larger the pot, the taller and more spreading the tree will be. Therefore, if you take a roomy planter for a plant, in the future it may take up half a room.

Step 2

To grow ficus, you don't have to buy a new plant, just cut one branch and put it in a jar of water. After a while, roots will appear, and it will be possible to plant a branch in a pot. The soil mixture for young ficuses consists of leafy soil, sand and peat in equal proportions. Mature plants require dense soil, so you need to add humus and turf soil.

Step 3

Ficus does not like rearrangements and changes, so you need to immediately determine a place for him, from which you will not transfer him, and where nothing will disturb him. Twice a year, you can move it - in the summer, put it on a balcony or terrace, with the onset of cold weather, bring it into the house. When choosing a place, consider the lighting - it should be light, shaded from the sun's rays. Some types of ficuses (with hard leaves) tolerate the direct morning rays of the sun, delicate plants should be placed in a place with diffused light. Also, do not place the pot in a draft.

Step 4

The normal temperature for growing ficus is 25-30 degrees in summer and 17-20 in winter. But some species, such as figs, require a cool winter - at temperatures from six to twelve degrees. This plant is bad for soil hypothermia, so in winter it is undesirable to put it on a cold floor or windowsill.

Step 5

Do not set a strict watering schedule, because the conditions of light, temperature, humidity are constantly changing, so the plant always requires a different amount of moisture. You need to monitor the condition of the soil and water it as needed. In summer, it is abundant, but taking long breaks so that the earth has time to dry out. To check this, dip your finger three to five centimeters into the ground - if the ground does not get dirty, then water it. To do this, use warm water, pouring it out several times until it begins to flow out of the drainage hole. After half an hour, you need to drain the water from the pan. In winter, watering should be done more carefully, excess moisture can become dangerous for the ficus in cold weather.

Step 6

To grow ficus, you need to maintain an optimal humidity in the room - 70%. In hot weather or when keeping the plant in a well-heated, low-humidity area, spray the leaves with warm, soft water.

Step 7

Feed the ficus with mineral or organic fertilizers in spring and summer, every two weeks. In winter, you do not need to use fertilizers, with a lack of light, moisture and heat, the plant enters a dormant period, and with external stimulation of growth, it will give weak shoots.
