The charming TV presenter Maria Sittel is the face of the Rossiya channel. In the frame, she is always focused, strict and calm. However, outside of television, she has a completely different life, full of household chores and caring for children. After all, Maria and her second husband are raising three sons and a daughter, and she also has an adult daughter from her first marriage. The path to personal happiness for Sittel was not simple and easy. Perhaps that is why she tries to protect her beloved husband from public attention and only once showed his photo in an interview for a famous magazine.

Penza girl
Maria Sittel is from Penza. In this city, she took her first steps in the television field. Although, as often happens, the future star in her youth dreamed of a completely different professional path. Maria liked doing science, studying chemistry and biology. She graduated from the senior classes at a specialized medical lyceum. However, she decided to continue her education at the Penza Pedagogical Institute at the Faculty of Chemistry and Biology.

At the same time, a tall and stately girl attended a model school for the company with her friends. Her portfolio even attracted the fashion house of Vyacheslav Zaitsev, although Sittel ignored the invitation to work in Moscow, considering walking the catwalk too frivolous.
The girl was brought to television by her fellow students. Maria even had a small casting, after which the leadership of the local TV channel gave her a disappointing verdict. However, she was not offended by criticism. And another time, when Sittel urgently needed a small part-time job, she asked to host an entertainment program “Musical Souvenir”. A year later, the local channel established its own News Service. Maria was invited there as a trainee, then she grew to a reporter and, eventually, became the host of a news program.

Gradually carried away by television, she still did not see herself in the future in this profession. Therefore, she successfully graduated from the university and aimed at a second higher education, entering the All-Russian Correspondence Financial and Economic Institute in Moscow.
Sittel's hometown is also associated with a serious personal drama. In her student years, she married for the first time and in 1995, at the age of 20, gave birth to a daughter, Daria. Maria does not like to remember that bad family experience. She hides from journalists the name of her first husband, his occupation and the circumstances under which their meeting took place. It is only known that the first marriage of the TV star was extremely unsuccessful and fleeting. After the divorce, her daughter does not maintain a relationship with her biological father.
A holiday romance
When Sittel was invited to Moscow to work at the All-Russian State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company in 2001, she could no longer imagine herself without television. True, the young presenter had to live in rather cramped conditions - in a room in a hostel. Household disorder and heavy workload were the main reasons because of which Maria did not dare to take her little daughter with her. Until graduation, Daria stayed with her parents in Penza. But even at a distance, Sittel tried to be a good mother, called up with the child several times a day. The new work schedule, which assumed weekly employment and weekly rest, allowed the TV presenter to stay in Penza for a long time. Fortunately, after graduation, mom and daughter were reunited. Daria entered the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University.
Once in Moscow, Maria completely concentrated on her work. For a long time, fans could not believe that there was no worthy man next to an intelligent and sweet TV presenter. While participating in the project "Dancing with the Stars" Sittel was suspected of having an affair with partner Vladislav Borodinov. However, she denied these rumors, admitting that their behavior during the performances did not go beyond the script.

The fateful acquaintance in the life of Sittel took place in the summer of 2007 while on vacation in Cyprus. She ended up at the resort by accident, succumbing to the persuasion of four friends. And one day a young interesting man approached her on the beach. An acquaintance began, and then a resort romance. The most interesting thing is that Maria's new lover has never seen her on TV before. But his sister immediately recognized the girl as a TV star and enlightened her brother.
Mother of many children
Soon Sittel married businessman Alexander Tereshchenko. They got married two years after the romance began. However, the future husband made the offer to the TV presenter much earlier, but she pondered for another year because of the bad experience associated with her first marriage. The marriage of Mary and Alexander took place without lavish celebrations. They celebrated the joyful event in the restaurant in the close company of family and friends.

In 2010, Sittel announced her pregnancy, in the same year she gave her husband a son, Ivan. On maternity leave, the young mother did not stay up for a long time and very soon returned to work. To the surprise of many, Maria and her husband decided not to stop at two children. In 2012, their second son, Savva, was born, and a year later, a third boy, Nikolai, was born. Well, in 2016 Sittel finally broke all records for large families among television stars: she had a second daughter, Catherine.

In order for the children to grow up in the fresh air, the family moved to a country house. The TV presenter's husband, nanny, eldest daughter and parents, who specially moved from Penza, help to cope with the babies of the TV presenter. Maria admits that with one child it was even more difficult for her than with four. She just became wiser over time and redefined her priorities.

The big family spends their free time for active rest: in the summer they go on bike rides around the neighborhood, and in the winter they get up on skis and skates. Maria considers Alexander to be a wonderful father and caring husband. Of course, she does not hide the fact that at the beginning of their family life they did not go without conflicts. But over time, the couple learned to hear each other and negotiate.
Despite the large family, they even find time to be together: they visit the theater, the opera, or fly away somewhere to the sea for a couple of days. However, Sittel does not flaunt her personal happiness, she does not maintain pages on Instagram or other social networks. The social life of the TV presenter is also uninteresting.