TV shows engage people no less than their favorite TV series and news releases. It is always interesting to follow life in front of the camera, as well as help the participants they like to win the quiz. This can be done in several ways.

Step 1
Follow the television show closely. It is important not to miss the moment when the time countdown appears on the screen for the opportunity to cast your vote to your favorite participant. Most often, such a moment comes closer to the end of the release (it can be a special release, a reporting concert, voting day).
Step 2
Send a message from your mobile phone. This method of voting is used more often than others. A wide line appears at the bottom of the screen, which provides all the necessary information for those who want to support the participants in the show. It is important for you to see the number (usually it is short and consists of four digits) and the number corresponding to a particular nominee. Most likely, all participants will be shown in close-ups in turn, with a large number next to each, which the presenter will say aloud. Please note that the service is paid and will amount to at least fifty rubles for residents of a non-capital city.
Step 3
Use your phone. Telephone calls are also often used for voting on television. Information about him will appear on the screen. Rewrite the number carefully with all area codes. You can call from both mobile and landline (city) phones. Usually, a special number is allocated for each nominee, or rather the last two digits. Most likely, you will not have to say anything - your call will be automatically accepted as a vote for the participant, the recorded voice will thank you for voting and you will be disconnected. The call will also be charged.
Step 4
Use the website of the project. For the most famous TV shows, special sites are created on the Internet. Those who do not want to spend their money on messages and phone calls also have the opportunity to cast their votes. You need to find out the address of the page (either see it on the screen, or find it through Internet search engines). Go to it, follow the link "voting". Then you just have to choose your favorite participant from the list and click on the "vote" button.