Ivan Urgant is a popular and sought-after presenter of Channel One, a comedian and a joker. Despite the outward lightness and sociability, he leads a rather closed lifestyle. And in rare interviews, he tries to bypass personal topics, reducing the answers to regular jokes. Therefore, only general biographical facts are known to journalists about the current wife and children of Urgant.

First wife
Ivan Urgant tried not to advertise his youthful marriage, but with the acquisition of popularity, this turned out to be impossible. Friends and relatives of the host's first wife told the press about the details of their short family experience. For the first time, Ivan married at the age of 18, his chosen one Karina was 4 years older. She studied at the St. Petersburg University of Culture, and the future showman just finished school.

Young people met at a party. Karina came to her friend's dacha, and her mother, who belonged to a creative environment, made friends with the Urgants, so Ivan was there too. He immediately liked the new acquaintance, as, incidentally, she liked him. For the sake of a new gentleman, Karina broke up with her boyfriend. Very soon, the couple wanted to formalize the relationship.
The wedding was a youth wedding, celebrated at the home of the bride's parents. Then we stopped by to visit the mother and grandmother of Urgant. The bride preferred an elegant trouser suit to the wedding dress. The newlyweds were allocated a room in the apartment of Ivan's parents. By the way, they did not approve of this marriage, but perceived it as a hindrance to their son's career. At that time, Urgant was just beginning his career, there was no extra money in the family. But for the sake of his beloved wife, he took up any job and delighted her with generous gifts.
Unfortunately, the family idyll did not last long, and after six months the couple decided to divorce. Even the bride's relatives still do not know why this marriage broke up. They are inclined to believe that Ivan was influenced by the opinion of his parents, and he decided to take up a career. Karina, in turn, did not hold him back. True, she decided to leave herself a new sonorous surname.
Common-law wife
After moving to Moscow and starting work on the MTV channel, Urgant made a second attempt to find family happiness. He began an affair with a colleague, TV presenter Tatyana Gevorkyan. This relationship soon developed into a civil marriage. The lovers were together for almost five years, and their unexpected breakup gave rise to a lot of speculation and theories. Gevorkyan herself brought a little clarity when, a few years later, she frankly spoke about family life with Ivan.

According to her, they had a great relationship that began with a close friendship. Urgant courted very beautifully, presented amazing gifts, anticipating every desire of the girl. The couple traveled a lot, they had the same outlook on life, they had a lot of common hobbies. Ivan really wanted a family and children, and Tatyana was not ready for this, although she agreed to the marriage proposal. At some point, she became bored next to her devoted and adoring Urgant. In addition, the TV presenter, due to a doctor's mistake, took strong antidepressants for a long time, which shook her mental health.
After a while, it was difficult for Gevorkyan to explain what exactly made her leave Ivan - internal contradictions or a nervous breakdown under the influence of drugs. But it was Tatyana who initiated the break, she also rejected all the attempts of her lover to reconcile. Then mutual friends told her that Urgant was very upset by the breakup. But his job and his rapidly growing popularity saved him.
Second wife

The famous presenter found the long-awaited family happiness in his second marriage, although in all interviews Ivan emphasizes that he is married for the first and last time. He knew Natalia Kiknadze from childhood. They studied together at the elite St. Petersburg gymnasium at the Russian Museum. Recently, journalists have at their disposal an archive video where the future husband and wife play together in a school play.
Natalia was born into a well-known and wealthy family. Her father was a famous jeweler, a master of his craft, who was approached by the country's top officials. And all domestic fans know the uncle of Vasily Kiknadze, a sports commentator and journalist.

Immediately after graduation, Natalya married a young businessman Teimuraz Kutalia, who was the son of her father's business partner. Soon Kiknadze gave birth to a son Niko (1997) and a daughter Erica (2000). She completely immersed herself in family life and raising children. True, the marriage did not become happy, a divorce followed. The daughter stayed with her mother, and the son - with his father.

How and when the former classmates, Ivan and Natalya, met again, the journalists do not know for certain. According to some reports, they met at a regular meeting of alumni. For a long time, even the close relatives of the lovers did not know about this novel. The audience also learned about the wedding after the fact. Natalia moved to her husband in Moscow and in 2008 gave him a daughter, Nina. The girl was named after Ivan's grandmother - actress Nina Urgant.

Since then, the couple have lived a quiet family life, in every possible way avoiding the increased attention of the press. In the official account of the TV presenter, you rarely see photos of your wife or children. Sometimes the public learns some information about a couple thanks to their relatives. So, Nina Urgant said that her grandson and his wife legalized their union before God and got married in St. Nicholas Cathedral in St. Petersburg.
Also, the press widely discussed Ivan's chic gift, when on the next anniversary he presented his wife the restaurant "The Garden". Natalia worked with this institution together with Victoria Galushko, the wife of Alexander Tsekalo.

In 2015, another addition happened in the family of Ivan Urgant. The couple had a second common daughter, Valeria. She was named after the host's mother, who passed away shortly before the birth of her granddaughter. By the way, Urgant also considers Natalia's children from her first marriage to be his own, as he told the host Vladimir Pozner in a recent interview. But in most cases, Ivan prefers to laugh it off on the topic of his personal life. Therefore, journalists can only speculate, interview the couple's acquaintances, or meticulously examine the accounts of family members on the Internet. The main thing is that such closeness does not in any way affect the popularity and people's love for the charming presenter.