Jiga is the oldest Irish dance, which has several varieties. At first, the name of a pair dance was assigned to the jig, but thanks to the sailors, a solo performance of the jig appeared, and of a comic nature. How can you dance such a diverse jig?

Step 1
Jigs Features Soft jigs are the most common. Its time signature is 6/8, the emphasis is on the first beat ("one-two-three-time-two-three" record). The soft dynamic jig is suitable for both men and women. You can dance in both soft and hard shoes. For men, a double jig is more suitable, which brings fighting spirit. The size of this jig is 12/8 ("one-two-three times-two-three times-two-three times-two-three"). It is performed mainly in a line (symbolizes the fortress wall) in a fast rhythm, uniting the group into a single whole. Soft shoes are the most comfortable for double jig; slow triple jig is performed with hard boots and under size 6/8. The dance is characterized by numerous jumps and pirouettes, and finally the sliding jiga is the most feminine of all jig dances. Only girls in soft shoes dance, as sliding, swinging on toes is possible only in comfortable elastic shoes. The size of the sliding jig is 9/8 ("one-two-three times-two-three times-two-three").
Step 2
Whichever type of jig you prefer, do a traditional warm-up. Focus on developing the feet, as the back and arms are motionless in the dance. Keep your back straight to maintain balance for a beautiful spectacular jump.
Step 3
Learn the dance. Young people stand in front of the girls. Step forward with your right foot and then with your left foot. Next, step with your right foot forward with a jump and touch your partner with the forearm of your right hand; take a step back onto your left foot.
Step 4
Take 2 steps back with 2 jumps (landing on the first jump on the right leg, on the second - on the left). Repeat 3 times.
Step 5
Repeat 4 times, touch your partner's forearm slightly with your hands.
Step 6
Take 2 steps forward and jump forward. When jumping, turn 90 degrees to the left and clap your palms over your partner's head. Then turn again 90 degrees and take the place of your partner. Repeat 3 times.
Step 7
With your left hand, hold on to your partner's hand, and with your right hand, around the waist. Swing around to the last pair of dancers. Take a seat at the end of the row.
Step 8
At this time, the others clap, and the row slowly moves towards the beginning. In this way, all the dancers must take their places.