A beautifully dancing man stands out in any disco. Merging in a single rhythm with the music, he attracts the views of those around him, his movements will not leave anyone indifferent. The ability to dance well, like any art, can be learned.

It is necessary
- - Training courses;
- - individual tutor;
- - self-instruction manuals for dancing;
- - spacious room;
- - large mirror;
- - video camera.
Step 1
When learning to dance, start with the simplest elements, even if it seems too easy to you and not worthy of attention. Develop your dancing skills in order, as it will be difficult for you to perform complex movements without good preparation and appropriate experience. You may think that everything is working out, but in reality your movements may be unnatural and ugly.
Step 2
It should be borne in mind that a good dancer harmoniously combines two types of movements. On the one hand, in his dance there is a certain school, once learned basic movements. At the same time, he does not think at all about how to move, his dance is a complete improvisation, subordinated to the music. In this case, the acquired basic skills become the basis for creating your own style of movements.
Step 3
To master the basic skills, enroll in a dance course of the style you like. You can also contact an individual tutor. A good specialist will be able to correctly assess your movements, point out mistakes and give the necessary recommendations. You can find advertisements for such services on the Internet or in newspapers. Usually, one or two introductory lessons are enough to understand whether this is your teacher or not, whether you are comfortable studying in this group.
Step 4
Of course, you can learn to dance beautifully on your own. There are many sites on the Internet dedicated to various types of dances, thematic forums where novice dancers share their impressions with each other, training videos. Please note that in order to successfully master the dance elements, it is advisable to have a spacious room and a large mirror that helps to critically evaluate yourself from the outside.
Step 5
When learning to dance, it is very useful to record your workouts on video. Looking through the recordings, you will be able to appreciate the beauty and harmony of your movements, the ability to follow the rhythm of the music. Videos will allow you to identify and fix various errors.
Step 6
In any case, when you come to a disco or dance floor, you should not think too much about exactly how you need to move. You should enjoy the dance, so only do the movements you like. Remember that plasticity and grace largely depend on the degree of relaxedness, freedom and an inner sense of comfort, so do not drive yourself into any framework. Listen to the music, try to exist with it on the same plane, live with its rhythms.