People's Artist of the RSFSR, holder of the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree, a vocalist with a unique voice and manner of performance, known both in Russia and abroad - this is Eduard Khil. How much did your favorite make millions?

Eduard Anatolyevich Khil endured all the hardships of a hungry war childhood, but managed to maintain optimism. His songs inspired, filled life with colors, he performed them with his soul, tried to give joy to everyone who listened to them. How much money did the talent bring him? What, apart from vocals, did the great Eduard Gil earn?
When was Gil actually born
Eduard Anatolyevich's Wikipedia indicates the date of birth - 1934-04-09, but the singer himself always claimed that he was born in 1933. Which of the dates is accurate is not known even now, after his death. The reason for the confusion was the loss of documents during the evacuation of little Eduard from Smolensk during the Second World War.
The future unique Soviet and Russian vocalist was born into the family of a mechanic and an accountant. Children of ordinary workers were evacuated to orphanages, where hunger reigned. When his mother found the boy in 1943, he was on the verge of life and death from malnutrition, he could not even walk on his own.

Mother managed to get out of Edward, with her help he survived another post-war famine and even retained his talent for drawing and singing. Later, he recalled that it was his mother and stepfather who became his support and support in those difficult times, helped him maintain optimism and a desire to live in general.
Parents insisted that Edward receive a specialized education in the direction of drawing, but he did not succeed in doing this. His uncle lived in Leningrad, who already had a large family, and the young man did not want to burden him with his presence for the long 7 years of study at the Mukhinsky school. He submitted his documents to the Polygraphic College, where the course of study was much shorter.
Art in the life of Eduard Khil
The desire to sing outweighed the desire to paint, and the post-war famine and devastation played a role. Gil studied at the printing college for a very short time. Seeing that his uncle and his family needed financial assistance, the guy dropped out of full-time studies, entered an evening music school, and worked part-time during the day.
The work made it possible to take also lessons in opera vocal, which later helped Eduard Anatolyevich a lot - later he entered the Leningrad Conservatory and graduated with honors.

Innate optimism and activity were the kind of motors in Khil's life. He simply could not help comprehending something new. In addition to the art of singing, he also comprehended the art of acting - he attended the course of A. N. Kireev and E. G. Pasynkov.
Eduard Anatolyevich is a national treasure. But he did not manage to earn a lot with his talent, like other representatives of the Soviet stage. He was in trouble not only in childhood and adolescence, but also at a more mature age, and only his vocal talent helped him survive.
Eduard Khil's career in Russia and abroad
The singer's first disc with the composition "Our Admiralty Plant" was released when he was 25 years old, and he was still studying at the Leningrad Conservatory - in 1959. After graduating from an educational institution and receiving a diploma, Gil became part of the Lenconcert, performed from the best stages of the city, toured the country.
The heyday of a vocalist's career came from 1966 to 1986. Then he was awaited by "disgrace" - at the request of Gagarin himself, Khil sang the song "How good it is to be a general", for which he was removed from the air for a whole year. During the forced downtime, Eduard Anatolyevich taught the art of vocal at LGITMiK.

The dashing 90s practically "chopped off" Gil's popularity in his homeland. In order to somehow feed his family - his wife and son - Eduard Anatolyevich performed in the Parisian cabaret "Rasputin" and lived in France for several months.
A new round of success awaited Gil in the early 2000s, when he presented the song "Trololo" to the public. It was appreciated by representatives of different age categories, including young people. Eduard Anatolyevich was again invited to concerts, he went on tour as part of "collections".
How much did Eduard Gil earn
In Soviet times, pop singers' earnings were equal to those of junior research workers. Eduard Gil, like his colleagues, received incomparably less talent.
In the "dashing 90s" fees for performances in a foreign cabaret helped him survive, but they cannot be called high either. At their core, these were performances in a second-rate institution, which were also far from the level of the talent of this artist.

After the appearance of the song "Trololo" in Gil's repertoire, he received not only demand, but also a higher income. In one of the Russian newspapers, his fees were compared with those of famous TV presenters, and for Khil they were much higher - from $ 25,000 for one performance of the composition.
Date and cause of death of Eduard Khil
At the age of 78, Eduard Anatolyevich was hospitalized, and practically from the stage - he was diagnosed with a so-called stem stroke. From April to June, the best medical specialists of St. Petersburg fought for the life of a unique vocalist, but the efforts were in vain - on June 4, 2012, the singer died.

Eduard Khil was buried in St. Petersburg. A public garden not far from his house on Rubinstein Street is named after him. A small museum was organized in Khil's native school No. 27 in the city of Smolensk, and a memorial plaque was installed. The vocalist is loved, remembered, his songs are listened to and hummed - this is the best manifestation of respect for talent and memory.