If you do not have an oligarch friend who is madly in love with you and is ready to resignedly fulfill any of your whims, then it is better not to try to record a song through a record company. For all this will result in a pretty decent amount. And if, after all, the soul requires music, then you can strain a little and do everything at home. And how exactly to establish everything - we will tell you about this now.

Step 1
The first step is to get a microphone. Without this wonderful invention, voice recording will simply not be possible. Fortunately, the modern hardware market offers a significant selection of these very microphones. The price can vary from one and a half hundred to several thousand rubles. Here, everyone must make a choice for themselves, having previously consulted with their wallet.
Step 2
In addition to the price, you should pay attention to the audio output of the purchased microphone. If you bought a regular one, adapted to a computer, then there will be no problems. Simply connect the jack of an external recording device to the microphone port on your computer's sound card. It is usually indicated in pink.
Step 3
If you bought an unadapted microphone, then the matter will be a little more complicated. However, don't faint. This one is okay. You will simply have to purchase an additional adapter from a large jack to a small one. And do exactly the same operation with the connection.
Step 4
With the microphone sorted out. Although in fairness it is worth noting that with its help you can not only record voice, but also the sound of musical instruments. But let's get back to the topic.
Step 5
When everything is connected, you can start installing programs, the purpose of which is to record and edit sound. These are such programs as Sony Sound Forge, Sony Vegas (and with the help of this program you can still make a video for a song later), FL Studio and so on. With the help of them, you can record a voice, edit a recording, add some effects, raise or lower your voice, in general, by trial and error, an endless world of possibilities will open.
Step 6
When the equipment is set up, and the programs are installed, tested and ready for action, then you can safely start recording songs at home. Moreover, the costs, in comparison with the studio, will be minimal.