What can be understood as a real, exciting adventure novel? First of all, this is the difficult and interesting path ahead of the heroes, the intrigue (mystery) that is constantly present in the novel, which reveals itself in the finale with an unexpected denouement, the charismatic participants in the whole action and the general idea laid down in the work. At the same time, events develop unexpectedly and cannot be predicted.

Usually, in adventure books, the action unfolds slowly, without any surprises. Until everything turns upside down and the heroes open up unthinkable prospects, insoluble problems or imminent death. The most popular theme for adventure novels is space travel. The reader, just reading the genre of the novel, will imagine unexplored planets, graceful starships and a mysterious and endless outer space. That is, half of the adventure is already there, the second half depends on the talent, imagination and literary art of the author of the novel himself.
Good old fiction of the second half of the twentieth century
Surely for many it will not be a revelation that the peak of the popularity of this genre came in the fifties and seventies of the last century, when mankind stood on the verge of space exploration. In those golden years for this topic, a lot of works of space fiction were written. But which novel was written according to the best canons of an adventure theme? Undoubtedly, one of the best works is the series of books by American writer Andre Norton called "The Queen of the Sun". This work gained popularity thanks to the plot, built around the personality of a young graduate of the space academy, Dane Thorson, who suddenly found himself in front of all the expanses of mysterious outer space.
He finds himself in the company of a charismatic crew of a small spaceship, whose future and success depends only on their personal qualities and making the right decisions in risky situations. The work is written in the spirit of sea adventures from the times of the sailing fleet, transferred into space. Monuments of ancient supercivilizations, distinctive planets with local population and fauna, space robbers and much more will be met by a brave team on their eventful risky journey.