Literature teachers quite often invite schoolchildren to compose a work of a particular genre. If the student listened carefully and learned the features of a fable, ode or ballad, he has a chance to cope with the task. But the one who missed the lesson can write a fable if he takes into account several rules.

It is necessary
- - dictionary of literary terms;
- - a dictionary of rhymes;
- - collection of proverbs;
- - collection of fables;
- - paper;
- - a pen.
Step 1
Find the definition of a fable in the dictionary of literary terms. It can be written both in poetry and prose. The main difference from other literary genres is that it is a moralizing or satirical work written in an allegorical form. The fable usually ends with morality. The author expresses his main idea briefly and clearly.
Step 2
It is best to start composing with the final part, that is, with morality. Look through the collection of some famous fabulist - for example, I. Krylov or S. Mikhalkov. Pay particular attention to the last lines. Quite often, a well-known proverb is used as morality. Nothing prevents you from doing the same. Remember a good proverb or find it in a collection. Consider if you can rhyme it beautifully.
Step 3
Write a story that illustrates morality. The heroes of such stories are often animals, but there are also people and inanimate objects. At Krylov, the Crow and the Fox are talking, the animal musicians are trying to sit down correctly, the Ant reads a morality to the Dragonfly. Think about which hero most closely matches your proposed morality. It is very good if a potential reader has already formed some kind of image of this character: a cunning fox, a cowardly hare, a clumsy bear, etc.
Step 4
Write down a prose story you make up. Make sentences short and clear. As in almost any literary work, the fable has a plot, a development of events, a climax and a denouement that precedes morality, only each part consists of just a few words.
Step 5
You don't need to rhyme a fable, but a poem is usually remembered by the listener better than prose. Try to read your prose passage in a poetic rhythm. What size to choose is up to you, there are no hard and fast rules in this case. It can be classic iambic, and energetic trore, and three-part sizes, and dolnik. It is possible that you will have to rearrange some words or replace them with synonyms. But be careful not to accidentally disappear into the outset, denouement, or climax. The rhymes in the fable are best used as accurate as possible. They can even be verbal, which is undesirable in other poetic genres.