There is an ancient legend that sheds light on the origin of the eastern horoscope. When Buddha bade farewell to earthly life, twelve animals responded to his call and came to bid him farewell. The Eastern horoscope divides the course of time into 60-year cycles, in which 12 animals and five elements alternate. Sign compatibility is of fundamental importance, especially when partners have to communicate for a long time. The Union of the Dog and the Pig is considered one of the most successful in the eastern horoscope.

Romantic relationships and family life
Between the Dog and the Pig, there is a good prospect for a harmonious long-term relationship in love and marriage. They are able to intuitively feel each other.
A dog is a very loyal and honest person. People born under this sign are unusually devoted to their friends and loved ones. Such people are able to find a common language with everyone, but the most sincere and open union will be with the Pig (Boar).
The pig is not afraid of obstacles, is always ready to come to the rescue in difficult times and is not afraid of difficulties. If such a person gets down to business, he always tries to bring it to an end, putting all his strength and soul into it. The pig is creative in nature. She is sensual, friendly and peaceful. A dog next to such a person will be happy.
The dog needs a partner who will inspire, support and understand it. A warm relationship develops between the Pig and the Dog, the main thing is to be able to overcome the initial misunderstanding, which often arises between them due to the natural indecision of these signs.
The Dog man is busy with business almost all the time, and the Pig woman knows how to create comfort and a favorable atmosphere in the house.
The Dog woman may become persistent and try to control the Pig man. However, these two will always be able to come to an agreement and find a way out of almost any disputable situation.
Business relationship between Dog and Pig
Despite absolute trust and mutual understanding, the business relationship between the Dog and the Pig may not develop in the best way. Over time, the dog will begin to tire of the Pig's leadership habits. She will feel slighted. This constant rivalry negatively affects the common cause.
Friendship between Pig and Dog
People born in the year of the Dog are ready to make sacrifices for the sake of friendship with the Pig. A cheerful, temperamental and inventive Pig attracts a Dog. They can teach each other a lot. The Pig, in turn, appreciates honesty and loyalty in the Dog. The Pig can relieve the Dog of excitement and charge him with optimism.
The Year of the Pig and the Year of the Dog are very strong star combinations. People born at this time have a strong and persistent character. They are not afraid of the vicissitudes of fate and are always ready to benefit and help others.
A loyal and sincere Dog will always support a born leader, a cheerful and energetic Pig, which, in turn, will become a stimulus for her to live.