Nowadays, a variety of TV shows of various genres are filmed in Russia. But, oddly enough, comedy series are gaining the greatest popularity.

"Happy together"
Like many other Russian TV series, Happy Together is an adaptation of the popular foreign TV series Married with Children. The foundations of the family, the main characters and even many jokes have been remade and adapted for the Russian audience and for our time. The series tells about the Bukin family, which has a husband who works in a shoe store, and a loser in life, his wife, a housewife, constantly sticking out at the TV and their children. Svetlana, the daughter of the Bukin, is a beauty, though lacking in intelligence, and the son of Roma, though smart, but full of father is a loser. Initially, the series consisted of three seasons, but then it was decided to shoot further, already completely according to its own script. In 2013, at the end of the 6th season, the series was finished, although according to the actors, there is a possibility that there will be a continuation.
The series "Univer" was broadcast on TNT from August 2008 to May 2011. In the story, the oligarch's son escapes from a prestigious university in England to a simple Moscow University to prove to his father that he is independent. Basically, all the action in the series takes place in student dormitory # 3, in which the main characters study, fall in love and get into awkward situations. In the series, the students are quite funny, however, although the types look, at first glance, different, in places they are copies of each other. The series was quite popular, but as in the case of the TV series "Soldiers", it did not make young people particularly want to go to school.
The series "Interns" very quickly earned the love of the Russian audience. Fortunately, in Russia they do not really know about the foreign series "Clinic", from which the idea was partially taken, and in some episodes even the plot and jokes. The series revolves around young interns who are taught by the evil and valued Doctor Bykov. The comical situations in which the heroes find themselves show what is wrong with medicine in Russia? By the way, there is a big difference from the foreign series - in the Russian version there is only one character who pleases all the time, and this is Doctor Bykov himself. It was this image that gave the actor the Golden Rhino television award. Also, in addition to references to "Clinic" in the series, there are references to the TV series "Doctor House". For example, in one of the episodes, Kisegach tells Levin that he was offered an internship at the Princeton Clinic. In another episode, Kisegach tells Bykov not to "turn on" Dr. House.
The series "Kitchen", oddly enough, is not about girls in their place, but about a cook by vocation - Maxim Lavrov. The series is about trying to fulfill your dream of becoming a famous chef. Maxim arrives in Moscow and gets a job at Dmitry Nagiyev's restaurant. In "Kitchen" in each series there are three equal storylines, and at the end of the series, as a result, philosophical phrases from the lips of the protagonist sound. "Kitchen" is the most expensive Russian sitcom - one episode costs $ 200,000. The series uses references to a variety of television and film masterpieces. For example, they quote Hans Lai from Inglourious Basterds. Season 4 of the show is currently being filmed, so fans can cheer in anticipation.
"Gym teacher"
The series has become terribly popular in Russia, because it is about a "real physical education teacher". The plot revolves around Dmitry Nagiyev, who in the series acts as a former security guard, a thug, and the physical education instructor himself. The series is incredibly popular among schoolchildren, as their everyday life appears in it. Thanks to the fact that Nagiyev very talentedly replays, which is required in Russian sitcoms, and thanks to banal quotes at the level of "Our Rashi", millions of Russians fell in love with this series. They say that thanks to "Fizruk", schoolchildren have ceased to love weekends, since the series is released only on weekdays.