Each of the zodiac signs has one of 4 specific elements: fire, earth, water and air. This leaves its mark on the compatibility of signs with each other, for example, a partner of the element of earth will suit a representative of the element of air. And fire signs should look for a "water" partner.

Step 1
Every day it becomes more difficult to find your soul mate. This is due to the frantic pace of life, workload and unwillingness to leave your home on weekends. It makes it all the more offensive to waste time with an unsuitable partner, who is always in short supply. How to increase your chances of success and not make mistakes? You can try to refer to the horoscope and find out more precisely which signs of the zodiac are compatible with each other.
Step 2
Aries is a sign of fire, energy, feelings and emotions. If you were born under this zodiac sign, then look for an equally energetic and passionate partner. You can fall in love and create a good family with a representative of the element air. Libra, Aquarius and Gemini have a calm and balanced character and can stabilize your irrepressible energy and direct it in the right direction.
Step 3
Taurus is a sign of the earth. You are an ideal family man, a loyal and reliable partner. You can choose a life partner from the same element of the Earth - Virgo or Capricorn. Union with Pisces and Cancer will be harmonious. And although the latter belong to the water element, they have a lot in common with you - they also value the comfort and warmth of the hearth. And representatives of the zodiac sign Cancer are good-natured and affectionate and can easily cool the ardor of a heated Taurus.
Step 4
Gemini is a sign of air. We can say about you that you are constantly in the clouds. Therefore, you need a stable and predictable partner like Capricorn or Cancer. Gemini can build an alliance with Libra and Aquarius. Leo and Taurus are suitable for you. You need a partner who, first of all, will become your friend, listen and support.
Step 5
Cancer is a sign of water. In the water element, this is the most stable and calm sign of the zodiac. You, like the Taurus sign, value home, family and strong relationships, so a frivolous and windy partner will not suit you. Look for Cancer, Taurus and Gemini for yourself. You may have similar values in life with Pisces and Scorpio.
Step 6
Leo is a fire sign, but not as temperamental as all the other representatives of this sign. You have a heightened sense of self-esteem and do not tolerate disrespect in your family. Your partner is Sagittarius, Aries or Libra. With a Libra partner, you can create a balanced and prudent union. With Aquarius, marriage will be successful only if both of you have already crossed the 50-year milestone.
Step 7
Virgo is the element of the earth. You will create a perfect match with representatives of the signs of Taurus, Pisces and Capricorn. You can easily find a common language with Scorpio, but in any case, under whatever zodiac sign your chosen one was born, he must learn to give in to you and get used to it.
Step 8
Libra is a sign of air. You always weigh everything carefully before making a decision, so you need a partner who can make this decision for you. A representative of the sign of Leo, Taurus, Aries and Pisces will suit you. You will get along with all the signs of air and fire.
Step 9
Scorpio is a sign of water. Emotional, controversial and passionate. Look for Cancer, Virgo, Capricorn or Pisces as your companions. You will have a strong and stable marriage with a representative of the Sagittarius sign. If Aquarius manages to "see through" you and learns to control you from the sly, your union can be happy.
Step 10
Sagittarius is the element of fire. We can say about you that you are a hot, wayward person, always defending your point of view. You will get along well with Aries or Leo. Cancer will suit you too, because this sign is very compliant. With Aquarius and Scorpio, you will be brought closer by the similarity of temperaments. You are able to get along with Capricorn.
Step 11
Capricorn is an earth sign. You are stable and grounded and will form a good alliance with Pisces, Virgo, Scorpio and Taurus. Union with Pisces will become unshakable and indestructible.
Step 12
Aquarius is a sign of air. You are a subtle, sublime nature, in constant search for yourself. A representative of the sign of Cancer, Libra, Aries, Gemini and Sagittarius will suit you.
Step 13
Pisces is a sign of water. Impressive, sensual, people cut off from the world. You will find comfort in marriage with Scorpio, Taurus and Leo. The union with Cancer and Capricorn is no less strong.