Not every novice photographer is able to capture the sea in the picture as it appears to the naked eye. Knowledge of the peculiarities of shooting the water surface will help to get the desired result in the photo.

Step 1
The principle of photographing the sea is in many ways similar to photographing the expanses of the earth: in addition to the landscape itself, you need to choose an object that would attract attention, otherwise the picture will turn out to be boring. Find a rock and place it in front of the composition, or focus the camera on the surface of the water and the coastline so that the ship is in the background.
Step 2
But it's not just ships, rocks, rocks and pools between them that can be attractive subjects when photographing the sea. Walk a little closer to the sea, or even enter it, and you will see an incredible array of details that can completely transform a photograph of the coastline.
Step 3
The color of the sea depends entirely on the sky. So, with a clear sky and the sun rising to the zenith, the sea will be azure, and the clouds before a thunderstorm can color the water in a rich bright green color. At sunset, when the sun goes down, the color of the sea, although it will be dark, almost black, but on the surface of the water you can capture the bright sparkles of the light path.
Step 4
If you've chosen daylight hours to shoot, be prepared to find the right exposure difficult. The fact is that the sand on the shore under bright sunlight is actually a reflector, and if you determine the exposure by it, then all other details of the photo will be "underexposed". If you choose the sea or the sky as a landmark, the surface of the coastline will be erased in the image due to "overexposure".
Step 5
As sunset approaches, the task will become easier, since the rays of the sun will fall on the sand at an acute angle. But even at this moment, the choice of exposure requires close attention. The high ability of sand and sea surface to reflect light causes the exposure meter to indicate an exposure less than what would be expected when photographing the earth's surface under similar conditions, since both the grass and the earth absorb light.