The opening of the exhibition is a significant event for any photographer, be he a master or a beginner. This is a way to get public recognition and some kind of assessment of your activities, to get the opinion of colleagues. If you have a sufficient number of good works, then this is a reason to make contact with the viewer and arrange an exposition. But how to arrange a photo exhibition?

Step 1
Collect a series of photos. It should be a set of snapshots combined into a single whole, supporting each other. This is how the maturity of a photographer, his ability to express thoughts, is defined. As a rule, photographs are combined into an exposition according to a variety of criteria, ranging from a theme to intraframe techniques. Pictures can be taken in the same city or at a specific time, but they necessarily create some kind of visual flow.
Step 2
Find a suitable room. You can, of course, arrange an open-air exhibition with the sale of photographs, but the event will very much depend on the weather. Everyone solves this issue in their own way, up to cooperation with a cafe or the House of Creativity. Almost any room will do, except that it is a glazed space all around without blinds or curtains. In this case, it will be difficult to both place photos and control the light. Separate the room, depending on the configuration, with artificial partitions, on which photographs will be presented. Do not forget to leave a distance between the stands for the review of the pictures.
Step 3
Think about the lighting in the room. It is better to have a soft directional light in the room. To do this, combine overhead lamps and spotlights on the stand. The rays must not enter the viewer's eyes.
Step 4
Decorate photographs for the exhibition. To do this, take a sheet of white or black paper for a mat, window glass, hardboard and clamps. All of this can be purchased at the art salon. It is not worth saving on a mat; the appearance of the exhibition depends on it. Please note that the surface of the paper sold may vary in texture. The entire series of photographs must be on a mat of the same color, texture and size. The photo should be correctly placed not in the semantic, but in the optical center of the sheet. If your pictures are 30 x 40 cm, then glass, hardboard and mat can be cut 40 x 50 cm. Then make a "sandwich", fastening all the parts together with clamps. On top there will be glass, under it - a photograph in mat and hardboard. It is not advisable to glue the pictures, as this can ruin the work. A couple of pieces of foam rubber between the photo and the mat, as well as clips, will strengthen the "sandwich". Attach the work to the stands with a strong light cable. The line is not suitable in this case, as it tends to stretch.
Step 5
When preparing for a photo exhibition, do not forget about information support and advertising. The semantic load of a series of shots will help you come up with a creative component to lure the audience.