Want To Attract Wealth In Feng Shui

Want To Attract Wealth In Feng Shui
Want To Attract Wealth In Feng Shui

Feng Shui places a lot of emphasis on achieving prosperity and wealth. A figurine of a god named Hotei is one of the most powerful money talismans. According to Chinese legends, the prototype of Hotei was the monk Qi-Qi, who traveled to villages and healed human souls. Where this good old man appeared, peace and prosperity came.

Hotei is a talisman for attracting wealth in Feng Shui
Hotei is a talisman for attracting wealth in Feng Shui

In feng shui, Hotei is portrayed as a small, plump bald man with a wide smile. He has a rosary on his neck or in his hands; the statuette always has a bag. Sometimes there may be coins, gems and a dragon nearby.

The talisman can be made of any material and in different sizes, but the color must be gold or white.

There are several variations of Hotei's attributes:

  • rosary in hands - to search for peace in the soul;
  • Hotei's pearl is a magnet for wealth;
  • peach means that the owner of the talisman will be healthy;
  • coins and rocker in Hotei's hands attract unexpected income;
  • a fan or staff enhances energy, helps to cope with obstacles;
  • the dragon next to Hotei attracts good luck in business, contributes to making good profits;
  • a deity surrounded by children is a powerful talisman for those who want to give birth to a child.

How to position and activate the talisman

To activate the deity, you need to stroke his belly. There is a belief that you can fulfill a wish if you rub Hotei's stomach three hundred times while thinking about what you want.

A favorable place for a mascot with a bag behind his back is the living room. It should be placed facing the door. Hotei will serve as a talisman from troubles and attract well-being to the house.

To bring peace to the family, Hotei with a rosary or a fan must be placed in the eastern part of the dwelling.

The Hotei statuette should be in the executives' office. The talisman will attract good luck, protect against gossip and promote a career.
