Theatrical puppets can be very different, and you can make them from literally everything. Gloves, canes, life-size, puppet puppets - just not to list. The manufacturing method depends on what you are going to stage. At home, you can make, for example, a puppet theater.

It is necessary
- - doll heads:
- - plasticine;
- - paper;
- - wire;
- - fishing line;
- - tubes from thermometers;
- - plastic bottle;
- - cardboard or plywood;
- - awl;
- - glue;
- - paints.
Step 1
Start making the puppet from the head. You can take the head from an old broken doll. Thus, you will give her a second life. But you can also make a head from papier-mâché. First, mold a blank from plasticine. It is better if she will repeat the facial features of the future doll. But you can make the head in the form of a ball, and then paint it. Stick a layer of napkins torn into pieces on the plasticine. Make the next layers of white paper, pasting it with starch paste or PVA glue. There should be 4-6 layers. Let the head dry, cut the workpiece and take out the plasticine. Glue the halves together. Sand your piece with fine sandpaper and paint. It can be primed with water-based paint, and painted with gouache, acrylic or oil paints. It is better to apply a layer of varnish on top of the gouache. The head can also be sewn from jersey, in much the same way as they do on a Waldorf doll. You can also use a tennis ball wrapped in a cloth.
Step 2
The torso should be light but firm. If you don't have time to make it out of papier-mâché, use a plastic bottle. Cut off the bottom of it. Make 4 holes for the arms and legs. You already have a neck attachment point - the neck of the bottle. Make another hole in the back, about 0.5-1 cm above the bottom of the bottle. Cut 5 identical pieces of wire 20-25 cm long. Make a loop at the end of each piece. Pass the free ends into the bottle and fasten with tape at the bottom of the bottle.
Step 3
For arms and legs, take paper or plastic tubes from thermometers. It is better to take the long parts. From any paper, cut 8 strips, the width of which is equal to the length of the tube. Place one such strip on a table and brush it with glue. Put some fishing line on a short cut and wrap the paper in a roll. The pieces of line are the same length as the pieces of wire for the arms and legs. The roll should be thick enough to fit snugly into the tube. Wrap 2 strips of paper on each line and put on 2 tubes. Attach your arms and legs to the wires. You should have loose and fairly long ends of the line where the hands and feet will be.
Step 4
Pierce your head vertically with an awl, from neck to crown. This must be done carefully. Place your head on a thin but stiff wire. The length of the piece is from 0.5 m to 1 m, depending on the height of the one who will control the doll. Bend the lower end at an angle of 90 ° at the very neck. Bend the upper end at a distance of 30-40 cm from the head at a right angle towards the back of the doll's head. …
Step 5
Cut a rectangle out of thick cardboard or plywood. Its size depends on the size of the puppet, but the aspect ratio should be 2: 5. For a small doll, make a 4x10 cm control mechanism. Lay the rectangle horizontally and make holes in the lower corners at a distance of 0.5 cm from both sides. Another hole in the middle. Divide the long sides of the rectangle in half and connect the resulting points. Set aside 2/3 of the width at the bottom. Pierce with an awl or drill a hole for the wire.
Step 6
Cut a piece of wood with a diameter of 3 - 5 cm. Drill a hole in it in the middle and stick this spacer on the cardboard rectangle so that the hole on the spacer matches the one at the top of the rectangle. Wood can be replaced with a regular bottle cork. Make 4 more holes in the corners of the rectangle.
Step 7
Slide the control mechanism onto the wire above the doll's head. The wire must enter from the side of the rectangle. Screw a paper clip to the free end of the wire. Thread the threads from the arms and legs through the holes and tie together at a distance of 10-15 cm from the bar.
Step 8
Make the hands and feet. You can use foam rubber, paraplen, papier-mâché for this. For the hands, cut 2 pieces of foam rubber, pull each piece with a thread so that you get a ball. Cover it with a white or pink cloth. For the feet, cut 2 ovals, sew along the edge and tighten. Dress the doll as required by the scenario of the show. The mechanism can also be made from three strips. This is more convenient for large dolls. Their approximate dimensions are 25, 15 and 13 cm. In the longest bar, make 1 hole on the edge, in the middle one make 2 holes on both edges, and in the short one - holes in the corners. The longest plank is the main plank. The other two are placed perpendicular to it, the middle one in front, the short one in the back. Thread the fishing line through all the holes and attach to the loops on the doll's head, arms and legs.