Konstantin Soloviev: Biography And Personal Life

Konstantin Soloviev: Biography And Personal Life
Konstantin Soloviev: Biography And Personal Life

Konstantin Soloviev is an actor who is known for his numerous roles in crime detectives and serial melodramas. His biography is very interesting. At the very beginning of his career, the actor constantly faced difficulties. However, he managed to easily deal with them. Today, Konstantin has many fans and female admirers who adore him not only for his brutal appearance, but also for his masterful performance of roles.

Konstantin Soloviev with his wife Anastasia
Konstantin Soloviev with his wife Anastasia

Konstantin Soloviev is a popular actor. He gained fame thanks to his roles in multi-part projects. More than once he had to embody the images of the military, detectives and just harsh men in films. High growth (186 cm) and brutal appearance helped him in this.

Actor's youth

The future actor was born in Moscow in 1984, January 28. It happened in an ordinary family, not connected in any way with the film industry. His father worked as a policeman, his mother was an engineer. Regardless of his father's profession, calmness and diligence were not the main character traits of the actor. The question of exclusion was often raised. Konstantin took up his mind in the 9th grade.

The first profession is a nurse. Having received a medical education and having worked a little in the hospital, Konstantin realized that such an activity did not appeal to him at all. I also failed to finish the Police School, having studied for only 2 years.

My sister helped to determine the field of activity. It was she who advised me to enter the drama school, which he did. But only on the second try. Until 1999, Konstantin learned the basics of acting at the Shchukin School.

Life in america

The actor's biography is quite interesting. After graduating from college, he almost immediately left for the United States. He was not given roles in the states, so he had to prove himself by working as a fitness instructor. The profession turned out to be profitable. Konstantin did not lose contacts with Russia, participating in the filming of various films. For several years, the actor lived in two countries.

Creative way

Kostya rose to the theatrical stage during his student life. After receiving his diploma, he worked at the Vakhtangov Theater. Before leaving for the states, he performed in several performances.

He also made his film debut during his studies. In 1998, the talented actor got a stunt role in the movie "Black Ocean". She was insignificant. Then he got a role in the TV series "Let's Meet". In the 2000s, he often tried on the images of detectives, policemen and fighters, which was facilitated by his athletic and stern appearance. Konstantin coped with all the roles masterfully. He can be seen in such films as "Brigade", "Soldiers", "Maroseyka, 12", "In August 44th".

The main roles in the career of an actor were not long in coming. Konstantin is called to the shooting in the film "Summer Rain". The audience saw him in the form of a doctor. It was after the screening of this motion picture that the actor began to appear not only in criminal detective stories, but also in serial dramas. 2016 was rich in main roles. Konstantin starred in such film projects as "Vera", "Military Fitness", "My beloved mother-in-law", "The woman of his dreams." After a while, a sequel to the series “The Other Major Sokolov”, which was beloved by many fans, was released on television.

Life off the set

First love - American Celine, for the sake of whom he went to live in America. Acquaintance with her happened in "Pike". For several years, Constantine was torn between Russia and America. The relationship with the girl did not turn out to be long. On the set of the series "Lace" there was an acquaintance with Evgenia Akhremenko. The diplomat's daughter also lived in the states. For her sake, Constantine broke up with Celine. After the wedding, Konstantin and Eugene moved to live in Russia. However, the relationship fell apart after 3 years.

Konstantin is now married. His chosen one is called Anastasia. She is a model and dancer. The acquaintance took place on the set. Anastasia is 15 years younger than Constantine, but this does not bother them at all. In 2011, they had a child. The daughter was named Elizabeth.
