How To Draw A Mole

How To Draw A Mole
How To Draw A Mole

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Secular women of fashion of past centuries regularly painted moles for themselves or glued artificial flies to a variety of places. The ladies of the Baroque era were especially zealous. Such decoration not only attracted gentlemen, but also made it possible to emphasize the whiteness of the skin and hide its defects. If you have to play a socialite of that time in a play, you simply cannot do without a mole. It will help you feel the character and era.

How to draw a mole
How to draw a mole

It is necessary

  • - eyeliner;
  • - eyebrow pencil;
  • - brown felt-tip pen;
  • - henna for biotat;
  • - makeup;
  • - a piece of dark brown suede or velvet;
  • - lapis pencil;
  • - scissors;
  • - BF glue.


Step 1

Decide how long you are going to wear the mole. If you want to make permanent makeup that won't wash off long enough, it's better to go to a salon to see a specialist. Homemade moles have one drawback: they wash off quickly enough. In some cases, this is exactly what is needed. You hardly want the makeup that you put on before the performance to stay on your face for several weeks. Normal theatrical make-up is best applied to Vaseline. Mark a spot on your face where you would like to place the mole. Draw black or dark brown makeup on a cotton swab and carefully dot. Enlarge it to the size you want. Such a mole will be erased along with makeup.

Step 2

A mole can be painted with face painting. It is applied with an ordinary brush, squirrel or kolinsky. This make-up makes it possible to do without petroleum jelly or cream. Just type the makeup of the desired color on the brush, put a dot on the face and slightly blur the edges. Such a mole is washed off in a few seconds.

Step 3

Surely you have an eyebrow pencil or eyeliner in your cosmetic bag. Better if they are dark brown. Draw a circle of the desired size and paint over it with the same pencil. Apply powder on top so that your birthmark does not wear off immediately. It can last a couple of days if you don't try too hard to erase. Felt-tip pen and henna for tattoo are more resistant to external influences. It is sold in cosmetic stores. Draw a circle in the same way and paint over. Henna can last up to a week, a felt-tip pen is a little smaller, and there is no need to be too careful when washing your face. This area should not be rubbed unnecessarily with lotion and other alcohol-containing substances.

Step 4

The most stable home remedy is the lapis pencil. You can buy it at the pharmacy, it is inexpensive. Mark a spot on the face and put a dot there or draw a small circle. Lapis has one major drawback: it is invisible when you paint. This pencil begins to manifest itself a little later, so it is very important not to overdo it.
