Why Is The Hamster Dreaming

Why Is The Hamster Dreaming
Why Is The Hamster Dreaming

A hamster is a small and fluffy animal. He belongs to the rodent family and is known for his habit of hiding food behind his cheek, as if in reserve. His front two legs are active and he constantly grinds something in his mouth.

Why is the hamster dreaming
Why is the hamster dreaming

The classic interpretation of a hamster dream

If you dreamed of a hamster and you want to find out what such a dream portends for you, you, of course, can turn to any existing dream book. In principle, the ordinary characteristics of this animal alone are already quite enough for you to be able to determine what exactly the appearance of a hamster in your dream indicates. Much still depends on the color that the animal is wearing. If in a dream the color of the hamster was gray, this is a clear indication of someone's lie or your own confusion. If its color was red, then the hamster can anticipate the proximity of a romantic meeting or your creative realization.

Sometimes a hamster is associated with a hoarding demon and indicates a desire to appropriate something only for himself personally.

Also, a hamster can symbolize your second strong half, that is, your partner appears in a dream in an allegorical symbolic form. The word “hamster” itself can be divided into two components: it is “hom” (Home means “house” in English) and “yak” (a massive bovine animal, close to the family of bulls). Thus, a hamster that appears in your dream is a kind of model of the active components of your home processes, for example, an active hamster foreshadows some household chores and problems that you will actively try to solve.

Psychologists' perspective on dreams

Looking at the image of a hamster through the prism of gestalt therapy, you can fish out for yourself a lot of useful information regarding your inner life.

The beauty of mastering this method of psychiatric analysis is unique in that in addition to deciphering the symbolism of the hamster itself, you can easily read the meaning of any objects in your dreams.

The principle of working with dreams is very simple. As soon as you wake up, first of all, write down in a special notebook all the events, actions, faces and images that you saw during the past night. Then, choose the brightest object, thing or dream object. It can be assumed that it will be the same hamster, which is being discussed here. Try to identify with him. Enter the same state that you experienced in a dream and feel like this hamster. When you live this through your personal experience, then the need to use dream books and other dreaming aids will disappear by itself. You yourself, directly through your consciousness, directly from your unconscious state, will receive answers to all your questions.
