Dreams about dogs usually have material meaning in real life and are often prophetic. Such dreams should be interpreted based on the behavior of the animal in your dream, its color, size and even the mood of the dreaming dog. What events does such a dream promise and what can you expect from life after a dream with a dog?

Popular interpretations
First of all, a dog in a dream personifies a friend. A white dog usually dreams of well-being, a black one - for trouble, a red one - for intimate entertainment. A large dog symbolizes a loyal and reliable patron, protector or a worthy candidate for husbands. A small dog or a puppy means a gift or surprise, a lot of worries and experiences in reality.
If in a dream you picked up a small homeless puppy on the street, be prepared to commit an altruistic act and support people close to you.
A dog bite in a dream foreshadows the betrayal of a loved one or a close friend. An aggressive dog attacking you also does not bode well - get ready to defend yourself against business partners or colleagues who will gossip about you. Sleeping with a dead dog means giving up your intuition at the most inopportune moment. If in a dream you yourself turned into a dog, then in reality you will have to protect someone's interests.
Dreamed of a dog with small puppies? You will certainly find harmony in your personal life, a meeting with your soul mate, as well as a long and happy family life. For a childless couple, such a dream promises the appearance of long-awaited children, and for women of Balzac's age, a fleeting affair with a young hot man.
Dog and dream books
According to popular dream books, a dreaming dog means your kindness and complaisance in relation to the world around you. If a dog in a dream loyally licks your hand, expect a successful job or a well-deserved career growth. Also, a dream with a dog can be interpreted as a relationship between a mother and a child or a husband and wife, depending on the behavior of the dog itself.
Some dream books interpret a dreaming dog as a warning about a precarious financial situation and the risk of losing property.
Sleeping with a dog often guarantees a victorious outcome of some difficult life circumstance. To tame a dog in a dream means taking on responsibility or obligations that will be difficult enough for you. If you beat an aggressive dog that bites you, in reality you will cope with any difficulties, attacks and health problems. Most often, dreams with dogs are positive and promise good luck in business, loyalty and loyalty of loved ones, strong relationships, gaining stability and even building your own real estate.