Why Is The War Dreaming

Why Is The War Dreaming
Why Is The War Dreaming

In general terms, a war or hostilities seen in a dream are explained as a state of vividly expressed internal conflict, a state of aggression, dissatisfaction with oneself and life.

Why is the war dreaming
Why is the war dreaming

Seeing war in a dream: is there a reason for worry?

If in your dream you saw a war, most likely such a dream reminded you of a nightmare, and, as you know, few people like to see horrors, especially if you took part in the battle, killed people in this dream, and were not an outside observer of military operations. War is always grief and sorrow, devastation, collapse of the world. However, you should not unnecessarily attach too much tragic meaning to this dream, but you need to try to figure out what such a dream can mean for you or your family.

War in a dream: a good or bad omen?

In a good sense, a war in a dream is a change in life, new significant events that can change your life for the better.

In order for this to happen, some seers, when interpreting this dream, recommend inserting a gold earring into the ear, and not cutting nails for about one week.

In a not very good understanding, war in a dream becomes a symbol of a missed opportunity. And now it remains to rethink life, rest and restore lost strength. In order not to worsen their situation, people are advised to feed wild animals.

The war seen in a dream is explained as impending troubles or even the possibility of deception. If a military man sees this dream, he will have a campaign, military conflicts, and for a regular person, this is an opportunity to improve something in a certain area of his life.

According to N. Grishina's dream book, war in a dream is associated as happiness in love or recovery after a long illness.

To find out how accurately you can interpret a dream, you need to take into account the day and time when you dreamed about it. War can mean both family disorder and life in general. If a young woman dreams of war, it is possible that the unsightly character traits of her chosen one will open up in front of her. If the war in a dream ends in victory, it means that harmony, peace and harmony will be established in life.

Gypsies have their own explanation for the war in dreams: a scandal, a quarrel, where exactly you will play a key role. In an old French dream book, war is a peaceful life, peace and contentment. In the English dream book, war is a new turn in your life, a foreshadowing of a decisive event that will disturb the peace. Cunning of your opponents, deterioration of your financial condition, health problems are possible. The Chinese believe that the interpretation depends on the events seen in the dream. For example, victory over enemies portends wealth, career advancement, and success in business.