On the Internet, you can find a lot of horoscopes that describe in paints the positive characteristics of all signs of the zodiac. One gets the impression that no one simply has flaws, and if there is, then they are so cute and you shouldn't pay much attention to them. However, people are very vindictive, and the revenge of some zodiac signs is truly terrible. What can you expect from a familiar Taurus or Scorpio if you cross their path, and what signs to look out for in tides of rage.

Aries' revenge
Aries is not inclined to conceal anger in the soul for a long time and hatch misanthropic plans for revenge. If you offended him, then the reaction can follow immediately. Aries will immediately express their indignation violently, and then they can simply forget the insult and continue to communicate with you as before. Revenge is not his strong point. This sign is incapable of being angry for a long time, of course, unless something out of the ordinary happens. Of course, you shouldn't discount Aries and think that you can hurt him again and again with impunity. As the saying goes, do not wake a very dangerous sleeping beast, otherwise Aries will do anything to remove the offender from his life forever, and, believe me, he will achieve this at any cost.
Taurus revenge
Taurus is easy enough to piss off, although this sign is not a fan of revenge, but it can pretty much ruin your life. Taurus is used to acting not as straightforward as Aries. His method of revenge for the insult inflicted may be more sophisticated. Taurus will try to protect the offender from his usual social circle, he will show all his imagination to leave him in complete isolation, using all his authority. It will be extremely difficult to return its location in the future, most likely, it is simply impossible. After some time, he will leave his enemy alone, but you no longer need to rely on the old good relations.
Gemini's Revenge
God forbid crossing the road to Gemini. This is one of the most vengeful zodiac signs. All is fair here. Against their offender, Gemini will take all available methods of revenge: from gossip to cunning intrigues. Gemini is always aware of everything that happens. This is a very curious sign, so he always has several trump cards up his sleeve, which will be able to turn the life of the offender into a real hell. Do not delude yourself and think that people do not believe in gossip - sooner or later they will, especially when they are spread by such gifted storytellers as Gemini, who are able to turn and distort any fact in their own way.
Cancer's revenge
Cancer takes revenge with silence and its departure, with eyes full of tears. He will break off all relations with the offender at once and will never even turn in his direction again. Cancer will remove all reminders of its enemy, he will die for him. People born under this sign are not inclined to hatch plans for revenge. For them, the main goal is to ensure that the offender begins to blame himself for the conflict, and, as you know, the pangs of conscience are the most terrible. It's ingenious and simple, and even Cancer himself doesn't need to do anything, everything happens by itself.
The Lion's Revenge
Leo's revenge is truly terrible. In anger, he is capable of many things. His main goal is to show the whole world how insignificant his offender is. In addition to verbal skirmish, the enemy will face public exposure and a lot of insults that can touch to the depths of the soul. Leo will try to involve all his influential acquaintances in revenge, of whom he always has quite a lot. This sign uses all means to poison the existence of the person who offended him. Better not to anger Leo. He will surely take revenge, and get real pleasure from it.
Virgo's Revenge
It is very difficult to force Virgo to take revenge, but it’s better not. This is the most sophisticated sign in the entire zodiac. The Virgo will not publicly show her resentment, she will hide in herself and will begin to prepare a cunning plan, luring her victim into the nets scattered everywhere. Virgo is able to take revenge like no one else, up to physical violence, so it is very good that people born under this zodiac constellation are very self-sufficient. It is really extremely difficult to force them to take revenge, but if they decide to do this, then the offender needs to prepare for very serious problems.
Libra's Revenge
Libra is a born diplomat who is not inclined to hatch plans for revenge for a long time. Most likely, a quick and adequate response will follow to the insult. Libra will not endlessly and systematically destroy the life of its enemy. They, most likely, will directly express all their claims and make a competent retaliatory move in order to make it clear to their opponent that in the future they should not be treated this way. Libra is perhaps the most adequate and sane sign of the zodiac, they, like no one else, understand that a long revenge can destroy their own lives.
Scorpio's Revenge
Here he is, the king of vengeance. All available and prohibited methods will be used here. Scorpio is a very secretive sign, so the offender often has no idea what can really hurt this creature of their squad of arthropods. Scorpio remembers insults for a long time, and like none of the signs understands that revenge is a dish that is served cold. The offender faces a truly terrible punishment, and it is difficult to resist Scorpio - over a long distance he will certainly emerge victorious.
Sagittarius's Revenge
Sagittarius are not prone to revenge. Most likely, they will immediately throw out their indignation, and they will tell everyone and everyone about the offense inflicted on them. It will be a kind of a theatrical performance, which will be attended by a large audience. The Sagittarius will not make plans for revenge, but he will not forget the insult, and on occasion will strike back. True, if such an opportunity does not present itself, then no revenge will follow. Sagittarius are not created to accumulate in their hearts unnecessary negativity.
Capricorn's revenge
It is really very difficult to piss off a Capricorn. These people stand firmly on their feet and, like no one else, are faithful to their life traditions and principles. However, it is best not to test their patience. In terms of revenge, Capricorn is capable of a lot. He is able to hurt his abuser very much, and not only verbally. Capricorn will try to do everything possible to harm his opponent. Here he uses all the influence he has and asks for help from high-ranking acquaintances, so it's better not to hurt Capricorn, especially when something depends on him.
Aquarius's Revenge
Aquarius doesn't like to take revenge. This is one of the kindest zodiac signs. Revenge is simply incompatible with his light and good-natured disposition, so it is extremely difficult to anger Aquarius. And why is it necessary if these people respond to insults with jokes and jokes. He deliberately will not take revenge, but, unless at the first opportunity …
Pisces Revenge
This is really a mystery, because Pisces live in their own world, not noticing other people. How they will act in a given situation is unknown to anyone, sometimes even to Pisces themselves. They can be offended and upset, or they can hide and take revenge in such a way that no one will seem a little. The vulnerable and sensual Pisces is usually loved by everyone, and there is always someone who is able to help them. And where is the guarantee that it will not be an angry Virgo, Gemini, Leo or Scorpio, so it is better not to touch the common favorites of Pisces.