What Is Karmic Compatibility

What Is Karmic Compatibility
What Is Karmic Compatibility

The nature of the relationship between a man and a woman includes completely different levels. Moreover, some of them are conscious, while others are subconscious. In addition, some of these relationships are generally karmic in nature.

Karmic compatibility is not always successful
Karmic compatibility is not always successful

What is Karma?

Each person has his own, as Eastern astrology says. A person's karma is a certain influence of his past lives associated with the present. In principle, Western astrologers and esotericists correlate a person's karma with his destiny.

In other words, fate is like a kindred concept of human karma, which is inextricably linked with his past and his future. True, today fewer and fewer people take the karmic component of their lives seriously. To believe or not to believe in karma is a purely personal matter. From this, it does not become more or less saturated.

Karmic compatibility of people

Many meetings that take place in everyday life may be necessary because they are karmic in nature.

Representatives of Eastern astrology are aware of the karmic nature of some meetings of people with each other. In one famous song it is sung like this: "People meet, people fall in love, get married." And all this does not happen by chance!

Some astrologers who have observed the statistics of karmic relationships and compatibility claim that such meetings are not uncommon for a person. According to them, there can be quite a lot of karmic meetings in a lifetime. The fact is that a person who comes into this world is involuntarily surrounded by other people who, in fact, help him to realize certain karmic tasks during his life. Such people, of course, are children, relatives, friends, work colleagues, bosses and even ordinary passers-by.

Another indicator of favorable karmic compatibility between people can be unusual situations. They can include a note of surprise in meetings, the speed of development of relationships, moving to a new place, etc.

The karmic compatibility of people represents certain positive nuances in their interpersonal relationships. For example, some people can quite easily get along with each other, understand each other, feel some kind of connection with each other. In this case, we can say that they are “synchronized”. Usually karmic compatibility occurs between spouses. In this case, they say that they do not love each other.

If two people do not experience some kind of karmic connection with each other, then their deeds in certain areas of life can give a significant crack. Such people experience certain difficulties in both professional and personal life. Usually, in this case, they say that bad karma has hung over the person, which needs to be cleaned.

How to recognize a karmic meeting?

In principle, not difficult. If the meeting of one person with another is really karmic, then they will understand this themselves, since they seem to each other unusually familiar people. Mutual attraction to each other, interest in mutual knowledge, etc. are not excluded. By the way, such relationships often develop into love relationships.