If the maintenance of the boat turned out to be a burden or there is nowhere to store it, or perhaps the need for it simply disappeared, then you can try to put it up for sale. There are many ways to sell a boat. Many of them are universal and are suitable not only for selling a boat, but also for other things.

Step 1
Try putting your boat up for sale online. To do this, you need to photograph the boat from different angles, find the technical passport for the boat and make an ad. In the ad, briefly describe the characteristics of the boat, indicate its advantages and how long it has been in use. Then, in a search engine, type free message board sites (by request). On these portals, you should find the appropriate section, which may be "Hobbies and hobbies", "Fishing" or "Other". In the section, press the button "Add an ad" and in the columns fill in the information with the obligatory indication of the telephone number for communication, e-mail.
Step 2
You can also try to sell the boat at the boat station. For a better understanding of the condition of your boat, the station specialists will want to see it and evaluate it on the spot. Therefore, it is better to come to the station with the boat.
Step 3
Specialty shops can buy a boat. These are sports shops, shops for fishing and spearfishing, etc.
Step 4
To correctly determine the value of the boat, you should look for similar boat models in the same sports stores. Since the boat was in use and if it looks new, but in fact it is not, then the price should be reduced. This will speed up the sale of the boat.
Step 5
One way to sell a boat is to offer it to tourists. On the beaches in the summer, you can meet people on vacation who would be interested in a water vehicle. Before entering the beach, you can put up a boat with a specified price, only before that you should agree with the administration of the beach area.