Horary astrology is a unique esoteric trend. When a client asks a question, the astrologer draws up a special chart and analyzes it. This chart is called the Horary Horoscope.

How Horary Astrology Works
A horary horoscope or map is drawn up at the moment of the birth of the question, that is, its clear formulation. Translated from Latin, "chora" means "hour". The essential basis of horary astrology is katarhen, an ancient branch of Greek astrology. Studying the horoscope at the time of the question is one of the katarhen practices. Horary astrology is to some extent the sister of natal astrology. Only natal astrologers draw up a horoscope for a single moment - the moment of a person's birth.
It is believed that the process of deliberately formulating a question is a kind of waiting, when the signs of the zodiac and the planet will settle down in accordance with the question. That is, the existence of accidents is rejected, everything is endowed with meaning. It is no coincidence that the time and place at which a question is asked by this or that person differ. The wording should not be vague, yes / no questions are allowed. An astrologer should make sure before drawing up a chart that he understands his client very accurately. For this, clarifying questions are asked.
Compilation and analysis of the horary horoscope
Having received the final question, the astrologer analyzes the position of the planets at a specific moment in a specific place. Many aspects are considered: the speed of movement, being in the signs of the zodiac or "houses", coordinates, convergence and divergence of the planets. Particular attention is paid to the moon. Central to the definition and interpretation of the "house" governing the issue. In astrology, home is understood as one of the 12 sectors that characterize various spheres of life and manifestations. For example, 1 house represents personal belongings, and 8 represents matters of marriage and partnership.
The result is exactly the kind of card that is needed as an answer. Her analysis reveals the circumstances surrounding the issue and its final outcome. Very often the result is contrary to common sense, but here it all depends on the skill of the interpreter. The most important skill of a horary astrologer is a competent decoding of the symbols of the card. These symbols represent the thoughts of a person and events from his life. It is possible to decipher them due to the existence of a connection between the consciousness of man and the Universe.
This idea is seen as a connection with the concept of the psychologist Carl Jung. He believed that there is a so-called collective unconscious inherent in all of humanity. It contains symbols that have the same meaning for everyone. Astrologers have no consensus regarding the expiration date of the horary chart. Most often, they converge for a period of 2-3 months.