Smoking is a massive habit of many people, and it brings a lot of inconvenience and discomfort to people around, if the smoker does not follow the rules of decency and does not use an ashtray so as not to litter the surrounding space with cigarette butts and ash. You can make a handy ashtray with your own hands that will help keep order and cleanliness in any situation. There are several simple ways to make an ashtray.

Step 1
The easiest way is to use any lidded jar as an ashtray, such as an empty tea or coffee can.
Step 2
If you are using an iron can, upgrade it. Take a sharp knife and in the edge of the can make two slits parallel to each other, so that the distance between the slits is equal to the thickness of the cigarette.
Step 3
Bend the cutouts outward so that the angle between the cutouts and the can is just under 90 degrees. In this case, you can put the cigarette on the folded edge of the can, and it will hold without falling inward.
Step 4
Another version of the ashtray can be made from a simple plastic bottle of any size. Cut the neck of the bottle with a knife and cut through the holder similar to the holder in a metal can. Pour water into the bottle before using it as an ashtray, otherwise the bottle may melt due to sparks and hot ash.
Step 5
If you have nothing on hand but a mug or glass, also use them instead of an ashtray. In addition, an empty cigarette package can be used as an ashtray, which any smoker can have with him.
Step 6
Tear the lid off in a straight line from the package, and then insert the lid into the cigarette box, leaving a small notch at the top. This cigarette pack will effectively serve as a temporary ashtray for you. If you smoke outdoors and are not in the immediate environment of trash bins, use a tightly rolled bag made of several layers of stiff paper. Try not to burn the paper - such a disposable ashtray will help keep nature clean.