Paper flowers are a popular element in the decoration of rooms, festive tables, and carnival costumes. To create a chrysanthemum, corrugated or floral paper is suitable. You can also use the most common napkins, since the selection of them in stores is quite large. Paper chrysanthemum can be made in several ways.

It is necessary
- - floral or corrugated paper;
- - napkins;
- - a piece of cardboard or a ruler;
- - scissors;
- - PVA glue;
- - green scotch tape;
- - thin flexible wire.
Step 1
Cut several equal strips of approximately 25 x 7 cm from corrugated or floral paper. A set of floral paper usually consists of individual sheets rolled into a roll. In this case, you can not measure anything with a ruler, but simply fold the sheet in half lengthwise, then in half again, and then cut into strips.
Step 2
Fold the rectangles together and bend a strip 1, 5-2 cm wide from one of the long edges. It is better to do this along a ruler or a strip of hard cardboard. Starting from the other edge, cut all layers accordion-like to the fold line.
Step 3
Roll the strips into a tight roll. Wrap the edge where there are no cuts with green tape. Spread the petals. You can twist them slightly on a pencil. The flower can be planted on a wire wrapped in green paper and placed in a paper vase. If you want to make a garland, make several colors, pierce the strips wrapped with tape with an awl, and thread a thin wire or strong thread through the holes.
Step 4
Chrysanthemum can be made from several napkins. They are usually sold folded in four. Place 2-3 napkins together. They can be either exactly the same or multi-colored. Combinations can also be any. For example, chrysanthemums made of dark pink and light pink paper look good, but you can also take napkins in contrasting colors. The second option looks even more interesting. Trim the corners to make a circle. This can be done with regular or curly scissors. Find the middle and hold the layers together with a couple of beads of glue or a regular paper clip, with which school notebooks are usually stitched.
Step 5
Make long cuts in a circle, not reaching the center of 2-2.5 cm. The width of the petals is about 0.7-1 cm. If you make them narrower, you get an aster.
Step 6
Fold the circle in four along the same lines that the napkin was folded. Then fold it in half again. Squeeze the uncut part firmly and wrap it with tape. Straighten the flower and give it the desired shape.
Step 7
In the same way, you can make foil chrysanthemums. Oddly enough, rolled food foil is most suitable for such purposes. Without unfolding, cut the roll into two small ones with a sharp knife, and then proceed as indicated in the description of the first flower.