The bear is a favorite animal of many adults and children. A huge number of fairy tales, films, cartoons, comics are dedicated to bears. A large number of people choose wooden, ceramic, porcelain, plastic, rubber bears as collectibles. The teddy bear is the favorite toy of most children. Is it difficult to depict the famous animal on paper? Many believe that only a professional artist can do it. They are very mistaken, because, in fact, drawing a bear with a pencil is not at all difficult.

Step 1
You should start drawing a bear with an image of a large oval. In the future, it is he who will become the body of the people's favorite.
Step 2
Now it's time to add the bear's head (a small flattened circle) to the body.
Step 3
Next, the bear should draw its hind legs in the form of two pear-shaped figures.
Step 4
The hind legs of the bear should be immediately corrected by breaking their wide part into rounded toes. All extra pencil lines must be removed with an eraser.
Step 5
It's time to draw the front legs of the bear. It is not difficult to do this with two rounded lines. Each of these lines starts from the bear's neck, runs along its body and rounds inward.
Step 6
On the front paws of the bear, fingers should be shown using small round lines. And on the hind legs, you need to show the pads of the fingers.
Step 7
Now you should start drawing the face of the bear. In the middle of the head, you need to draw a nose - a horizontally located oval. A little higher than the nose of the bear there are eyes, and in them, of course, there are round pupils.
Step 8
Next, the bear needs to finish drawing the round ears and round cheeks. And a little lower than the cheeks, between them, you should add a small tongue to the bear. All unnecessary lines, of course, should be removed with an eraser.
Step 9
A teddy bear drawn in pencil will also benefit from a round tummy with a pretty navel in the middle.
Step 10
That's all. A charming pencil-drawn bear, a favorite of adults and children, is ready.