How To Make Plastic Products

How To Make Plastic Products
How To Make Plastic Products

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Plastic is a very malleable material, reminiscent of children's play dough. It stretches, rolls and molds well. Products after heat treatment resemble plastic. This material is suitable for both adult creativity and children. You can make animal figurines and various jewelry from colored plastic.

How to make plastic products
How to make plastic products

It is necessary

  • - plastic;
  • - table;
  • - oilcloth;
  • - water;
  • - a needle;
  • - oven;
  • - thread.


Step 1

Make a simple piece of jewelry - beads. To do this, prepare your workplace. Cover the table with oilcloth. Prepare a saucer of water.

Step 2

Knead plastic of any color in your hands. He stretches out tight at first. Further, from the warmth of the hands, the plastic quickly softens. Tear off a piece of the required size. Use your palms to make a neat ball out of it. You will get a standard bead.

Step 3

Take a thick needle and dip it in water, Pierce the bead through. A wet needle will not allow the product to deform.

Step 4

Make the desired number of beads. Place them on a baking sheet. Preheat oven to 130 degrees. Place the prepared products in it.

Step 5

After 15 minutes, remove the beads from the oven and let cool. Collect the beads on the beading line.

Step 6

Firing crafts is a crucial part when working with plastic. Test firing on pieces the size of your product. If you are sculpting figurines, insert a wire frame inside so that they do not tip over during baking.

Step 7

To get original flat beads, take plastic in two or three matching colors. Knead them together for a short time so they don't mix like paints. Roll the resulting mass into a sausage. Cut the circles with a knife. You will get beautiful patterns on a flat bead. Don't forget to heat-treat.

Step 8

You can string beads on a thread in a row and through the knots. For the second method, take a thread about two meters. Tie a knot at the end and string beads. Make knots every 3 cm.

Step 9

Make earrings and a bracelet for the beads. For earrings, buy thin pins with a cap at the end and an earring (a hook that goes into your ear).

Step 10

After heat treatment, string the products on the nails in the required sequence. Fold the tip with a loop and cut off any excess. Connect with a hook. Purchase an elastic band for the bracelet. It is enough to varnish products made of colored plastic.
