Sewing a blouse requires adherence to certain rules, the knowledge of which eliminates the need to redo an already finished product. A well-made blouse will delight its owner for a long time.

In order to sew a blouse that you later want to wear, you must adhere to a certain sequence. As a rule, competent sewing takes place in several stages: taking measurements, drawing up patterns, cutting fabrics, measuring, fitting and, in fact, the process of manufacturing the product itself. Each of these points is mandatory, since failure to comply with one of them can lead to disastrous results - you simply throw away the sewn blouse, or adapt it instead of a rag.
Stage 1: taking measurements
If you are sewing for yourself, ask someone to help you get the correct measurements. The fact is that it will be extremely difficult to remove, for example, the size of the backrest on your own. Prepare paper, pen; wear thin and not giving extra volume clothing; stand up straight, without undue stress. Then, using a special tape measure, take and record the following measurements:
- neck girth (OSH) - horizontal measurement is carried out along the line of the base of the neck;
- shoulder length (DP) - measurement is taken from a point at the base of the neck to the point of the shoulder joint;
- chest girth (OG) - measurement is carried out horizontally, along the most prominent points of the chest and back;
- girth under the chest (OPG) - the measurement is carried out along a horizontal line passing under the shoulder blades and under the chest;
- waist circumference (OT) - this measurement is taken along the waist line;
- the length of the front to the waist (DPDT) - a measure from the point at the base of the neck to the waist along the most protruding point of the chest;
- the length of the back to the waist line (DSDT) - from the seventh cervical vertebra to the waist;
- girth of the upper arm (OP) - measurement around the arm at the level of the armpit;
- sleeve length (DV) - the measurement is taken across the elbow from the point of connection of the shoulder with the arm to the wrist, while slightly bending the arm at the elbow;
- wrist circumference (WG) - Measure around the narrowest point on the wrist;
- hip girth (OB) - horizontal measurement along the thigh line along the most prominent points, including the stomach.
When taking measurements, try not to pull the tape too tight.
Stage 2: drawing up a pattern
It will not be easy for a novice tailor to independently compose and calculate the pattern of the desired model. Therefore, as a basis, you can take a ready-made pattern from a fashion magazine. Many publications on similar subjects attach full-size sewing kits to the photographs of the products. You will need to choose the blouse you like and transfer the pattern to a special tracing paper using a pencil or using a copy roller onto a large sheet of paper.
Before transferring the finished pattern, compare your measurements with the data indicated in the special size chart. Such tables are usually attached to each pattern tab. There may not be an exact match of your measurements with the given parameters, but this is not critical. Choose the option that is closest to your measurements and adjust the dimensions of the finished pattern according to your measurements. Next, along the resulting contours, cut out a paper pattern and proceed to cutting the fabric.
Stage 3: cutting the fabric
Pay attention - in serious magazines offering ready-made patterns, advice is given on the most suitable fabric texture and additional accessories. In addition, on the finished drawings of the patterns, the direction of the main thread, along which you want to cut, is indicated. Try to adhere to these recommendations - this will avoid skewing and unwanted defects in an already finished blouse.
Another important point: do not cut the fabric with ordinary paper scissors! For these purposes, there is a special tailoring tool. The so-called tailor's scissors are larger and generally sharper than regular scissors.
Stage 4: basting and sewing
The cut parts of the future blouse are swept with large stitches by hand or using a sewing machine. If the basting is carried out by machine, it is necessary to first slightly loosen the thread tension - this will allow you to easily remove unnecessary threads. Having tried on and corrected the "rough" version of the product, you can start the main sewing of the blouse.
Advice for those who have no sewing experience: try to learn at least the basics of sewing technology. This process requires adherence to many nuances, without the knowledge of which it is difficult to achieve a positive result.