Horse riding is not just a fashionable entertainment, it is a whole science with its own rules and requirements. The basic rules of riding must be carefully followed to ensure the safety of both horse and rider. One of the important tricks is "collecting" the horse.

Step 1
The "collection" of a horse is its equilibration under the rider. The essence of this technique is for the horse to bend the spine straight and bring the hind legs under the torso. At the same time, she lowers her head at the back of her head with a slightly raised neck. Obviously, along with this, the horse's frame also changes: it seems to be collected in an elastic spring. The "collection" is considered correct when the direction of the horse's head is almost vertical.
Step 2
Do not think that such training is somehow harmful to the horse. On the contrary, "collection" develops the animal's posture, ease, improves balance, makes the horse lighter.
Step 3
Collect the horse with reins and legs. The leg is the inside of the rider's leg from knee to foot. Leg actions consist in the pressure of the legs on the horse's sides. In this way, it achieves sending it forward and controlling the back of its body.
Step 4
Get the horse to bring the hind legs with flexed and elastic joints under the body with short but frequent actions of his seat and legs, which move the horse forward on a more or less restrictive rein. When "collecting" the horse, the action of the leg should be uniform. The head of the animal should be bent with the neck slightly raised. Bring your own body slightly forward from the waist, increase the pressure of the legs and lightly pick up the reins.
Step 5
However, keep in mind that the animal's hind legs should not be pulled too far forward. The neck should be freely raised, forming an arc from the withers to the occiput. The “collection” state is regulated by the legs and the reins, only their constant interaction creates the horse's dynamic balance.