What Is A Nod For Ice Fishing For?

What Is A Nod For Ice Fishing For?
What Is A Nod For Ice Fishing For?

Winter fishing differs from summer fishing mainly in special gear. One of the key roles is played by the nod for the ice fishing rod. There are a large number of ready-made nods in stores, choosing the right one, knowing what exactly you need, will not be difficult.

What is a nod for ice fishing for?
What is a nod for ice fishing for?

The success of winter fishing depends largely on the quality and configuration of the fisherman's tackle. One of the main roles is played by a lodge for a winter fishing rod. It is attached to the end of the whip and is intended for signaling a bite, as well as for playing with bait.

Now a huge number of different gatehouses are sold, which differ in design, material of manufacture, size and cost. In addition, there is a classification of gatehouses according to the purpose and type of fishing: for spoons, with a jig, soapless, balancer and others.

Purpose of use

Many people prefer to do the nods with their own hands, but this is often not advisable. In order to make a tackle with your own hands, skills and materials will be required, and therefore it makes sense to acquire a ready-made gatehouse, and then modify it.

The main function of the gatehouse is wiring with winter bait. Using the tackle, the angler follows when the bait touches the bottom, adjusts the frequency and amplitude of the game and registers the bite.

Fishing rod with and without nod - comparison, what and when to choose?

In winter, the density of water is greater than in summer, and therefore the sensitivity of the fishing rod decreases. To increase the sensitivity of the rod, nods are used. But some fishermen successfully manage without this detail even in winter.

The advantages of a leashless dexterity are:

  • the absence of freezing of the fishing line on the nod, which makes it much easier to rewind. This is important if you change holes frequently;
  • the absence of ice on the line itself, as it often unwinds;
  • a special pleasure from the sensation of a bite with your hands, and not visually.


  • in severe frost, even the most sensitive fishing rod will not allow registering a bite;
  • the need to adapt by adjusting the rigidity of the whip by tilting it.

Experienced fishermen advise, at not too low water temperature, to try to master non-forged winter fishing, since the feeling of a bite "in the hand" is an incomparable pleasure. In addition, this method of fishing is less inconvenient. But fishing with a spoon or in severe frost makes the use of a gatehouse simply necessary.
