How To Sew A Saree

How To Sew A Saree
How To Sew A Saree

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Sari is the traditional clothing of Indian women, but today it is also becoming popular among women who have never been to India. A few tips will help you, even if you are not a dressmaker, to sew such a simple, comfortable and at the same time elegant outfit from a cut of fabric.

How to sew a saree
How to sew a saree

It is necessary

  • - the cloth;
  • - threads;
  • - sewing accessories.


Step 1

Choose a fabric that is transparent and airy: chiffon, satin, or silk are the most suitable for a saree, as they make it easy to shape the garment. You can sew a sari from a multi-colored fabric - this will allow you to wear various accessories and shoes under this garment, as opposed to a plain sari. Avoid tight and dense fabrics because they won't fit easily, they will be difficult to shape, and as a result, such a saree will look rough.

Step 2

If you are of average height and weight, buy six meters of fabric, if you are tall or large in build, buy seven or eight meters. Make sure that the fabric is free of defects and defects, as the saree is sewn from a single piece of fabric. You cannot make a seam on a sari. Buy a skein in the color of your chosen fabric.

Step 3

Lay the fabric flat on a flat surface, twist half a centimeter around the edge of the entire fabric rectangle and iron, adjusting the iron to the fabric temperature. Unfold the fabric again so that the raw edge is hidden in the fold, iron it. Secure the edges at the folds with pins fifteen centimeters apart.

Step 4

Thread the sewing machine and sew along the edge of the pinned folds, removing each pin just before the foot reaches the pin. Sew all four sides of the rectangle.

Step 5

At the bottom and top of the fabric rectangle, scribble a beautiful tape - this will be a border. Stitch a dyed or embroidered border on the right side - this beautiful edge, which is usually cut out so that you can see it, is called a pallu. You can also embroider the edge of the sari with shiny threads using lurex, sequins, beads or bugles.

Step 6

Cut off any excess threads. Iron the fabric.
