How To Sew An Angel

How To Sew An Angel
How To Sew An Angel

Table of contents:


Angels. You can sew these touching figures for Christmas or Easter. They will sit with you at the festive table, hang on the tree or hide under it as a gift. Without these symbols of light Christian holidays, the celebration will not be a triumph. Therefore, we propose to make you angels with your own hands, and long before the holiday, the feeling of a miracle will settle in you.

How to sew an angel
How to sew an angel

It is necessary

  • - flesh-colored jersey;
  • - synthetic winterizer;
  • - beads are black and golden;
  • - tulle;
  • - organza;
  • - threads for sewing and floss of golden (or yellow) color;
  • - wire;
  • - PVA glue;
  • - a thin church candle.


Step 1

From jersey, cut the details of the head, torso, arms and legs, arbitrarily, according to your taste. First, make the head of the angel. Sew the details of the head, fill with padding polyester. Make the eyes out of black beads, threading from the face and securing them to the back of the head. Embroider the cilia and mouth with thin threads. Draw two points with a black felt-tip pen - this will be the nose. If you wish, you can paint the blush on your cheeks with real cosmetic blush.

Step 2

Make curls. To do this, wrap a golden floss over the entire length of the rod, and then moisten with a solution: 1 part of PVA glue and 3 parts of water. When dry, carefully remove the rod. After making the required number of curls, sew or glue them to the head.

Step 3

Fill the torso, arms and legs with padding polyester. Pass a wire through the body at the place where the arms are attached. Sew on the hands, first passing the wire. Sew your legs to your torso. Let them "hang out" freely.

Step 4

Sew a dress for an angel out of tulle. It should be long and flared from top to bottom, sleeves should be with wide cuffs. Decorate the dress with gold beads on the collar and dress the angel.

Step 5

Make the wings out of organza. Cut out wings of an arbitrary shape from it, intercept it in the middle like a bow. Then starch in the same PVA glue solution or in another suitable way, shape and dry. Sew the angel wings to the back.

Step 6

Connect the angel's hands in front of you, attach a piece of candle with threads. Your angel is ready.
